Chapter Twenty-Five. "Well Miss Waters, I believe we just went viral."

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"A woman is only defensless when her nail polish is drying.



Chapter Twenty-Five: "Well Miss Waters. I believe we just went viral."


Maxine had never been a big lover on crowds. Big crowds, little crowds, kid crowds, teenage crowds, blared crowds, exsited crowds, whatever type of crowd it was, they always made her nervous. So she wasn't too keen when Amber annoyed the night after her return that they would be attending a meet and greet the very next day.

Out of all of her fans that she'd met, known of them had really scared her. They'd all been incredibly sweet and Maxine had been able to take a break from them whenever she wanted. So now, sitting in the back of the limo waiting to get out with heaps of screaming girls waving from the side of the carpet, Maxine could feel her hands shaking. Amber, who was sitting across from her, reached out and out her hand on her knee.

"What's wrong?" She asked. Maxine sighed and whipped her sweaty hands on her skirt.

"I'm just nervous." She said. "What if when they meet me they don't like me anymore." Amber just looked at her.

"Maxine Waters, you are being rediculous. Your fans love you! They've supported you so much throughout this season of the X-Factor and they voted for you to get back into the show. Because of their votes you got a second shot." Maxine shrugged.

"But what if they only like the idea of me. Or only like me when I'm singing." Amber sighed.

"Maxine, watch this." She said. Out of her bag, she drew an iPad and turned it on.

"This was set to me this morning." She pressed play on a video that popped up on the screen and soft music began to play. A voice over of Maxine singing Skinny Love began to play softly. A video faded into view, slowing row after row after row of girls. Some were laughing, some were screaming, some were waving, but every single one of them looked happy. Then a girls face popped up on the screen.

"I'm so exsited! I can't wait to meet her! She seems like such an awesome person and she's so strong!" The girl disappeared, and another girl took her place.

"I love Maxine! I love her voice, I love her style, I'm inspired by her love for her fans! Did you hear about how Juliet Albright ran away from three fans who spotted her at ten shopping centre? Maxine stayed and talked to hers! I so want to meet her!" Another girl popped up. But by this time Maxines eyes were full of tears.

"I just want to hug her!" Said the third girl. "She seems like such a nice person and she's so pretty! I really hope I get a chance to actually talk to her! I'm so freaking exsited I'm shaking!" Then a whole group of girls appeared on the screen. They had their arms around each other and they faces were spread into huge smiles.

"We love you Maxine!" They all screamed together. Then the song ended and the video faded out, leaving a blank screen behind. Maxine had a hand pressed to her mouth and tears in her eyes.

"See." Amber said softly. "They love you. Now go out there and show everyone what you're really made of."

When the car came to a stop at the biginning of the red carpet and the door opened. With one final look at Amber who sent her and encouraging smile, Maxine stepped out onto the carpet. Cameras flashed and girls screamed. Journalists called her name and security guards walked a few feet behind her. Once she got her bearings, Maxine raised her hand and waved. The croud went wild, screaming and waving and yelling. Maxine laughed, confidence suddenly filling her up inside. She waved this way and that, blowing kisses and laughing. Every now and then she'd stop for a photo or  to sign an autograph and they whole time she couldn't keep the smile off her face. When she reached the door to the meet and greet, her hands were still shaking, but not from fear now. She could barely contain her exsitment.

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