Sequal and Stuff

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So guys. . . .

Song of my heart is officially over. Done. Finished. Completed.

It actually makes me sad.

I've been getting to know Maxine and her three musketeers since January 2015. Now, my sister has quotes by them up on her bedroom walls and my best friend is convinced I have a Jesse hiding in my wardrobe. . . I wish! What I'm trying to say is, these four, along with Holly and James have been inside my head for over a year now. And I can't bring myself to let go of them just yet. So. . .

I've decided to turn Song Of My Heart into a series.

Of sorts.

Basically, each book will have two different main characters and a completly different story line, but the characters from the other books in the series will make an appearance, big or small, depending on how much I love them. In the next book, Maxine and Jesse become quite close to the next main character and they are in the story more often then not, but the story is NOT ABOUT THEM. Does that make sense? I hope so.

Do you all remember Jayden from Maxine's final X-Factor performance? The little rude boy who has to pretend to be her brother when they were in the auditorium? Vaguely? well you might want to go re-read that chapter because he is one of the two main characters in book two!

Book Two in the Song Of My Heart series is called Perfect.
Here's the blurb. Arghhhhh! I'm so EXCITED!!!!!


Spencer Rose knew from an early age that art was what she wanted to do. First, it had been for pleasure. Then, it had been a way to deal with the death of her mother and younger brother in a boating accident. Then, it was a way to escape the abusive reality of her home life after the storm of tragedy wripped her world apart.
Now finishing high school and heading off to university, finally old enough to get out of her father's home and follow her dreams, getting roped in to act as the girlfriend of Hollywood hearthrobe Jayden Grace was the last thing she expected to do. But when his manager offers her her own private studio to work, free of charge and enough art supplies to last a life time, she couldn't resist.

Jayden Grace always knew that acting wouldn't be easy. But he didn't expect it to get to a point where he hated it. After his hit block buster Counting Stars, his private life blew up in his face. He was convinced that no one wanted to get close to him to know him, everyone was just after his fame.
So when the beautiful, broken Spencer Rose was thrown into his life, he was determined to hate her. To hate her and make sure she hated him. But as the two are forced to spend more time together, Jayden begins to find it harder and harder to hate her and Spencer finds it harder and harder to believe that the cold, unfriendly mask that Jayden always has up is who he truly is. Through dinner dates and premieres, late night conversations and long plane rides, both of them start to wonder.

Maybe it takes one broken heart to heal another?

Book Two of the Song Of My Heart series.

ALL books of the Song Of My Heart series CAN be read as STAND ALONE BOOKS, though it is RECOMMENDED that you read them in order!

If you DO read Pefect BEFORE Song Of My Heart, then there will be mild spoilers for Song Of My Heart. However, if you choose to read Perfect before Song Of My Heart, it will NOT completly ruin the story.

You have been warned.


Perfect is set two years before Song of My Hearts epilogue. So before Jesse writes the letter to his mother and before Maxine is pregnant with the twins. Remember the name of the girl twin people? *winks*

I will be posting the first chapter sometime next week, so get ready to meet Spencer and Jayden and find out more about Maxine and Jesse.

Also, I will be editing this book for spelling mistakes and what not when I get Perfect up and running. Whenever I read through it now I cringe. . .

So this is the last time you'll hear from me on this book. I cannot express in words how much I love you guys. I want to thank two people while I'm at it. Over the past times writing this book, I've made two of the best online friends I could ask for and its all because of Maxine and Jesse. Their story brought these two friends into my life and I couldn't be more greatful.

winter_babes you have been an amazing supporter right from the beginning. You were the first one to comment on my story and you have never failed to make my day since. Talking to you all the time keeps a smile on my face and your advice and help over the year has made it easier to get through writing this book then I could ever say. When I wanted to give up, your vote on each and every chapter kept me going. Thank you soooooooooo much! You have no idea how much it mean to me.

Biahliar you are the most amazing friend I could possibly ask for. The first time I read your comment, I was smiling for ages afterwards. Your support, your love for Maxine and Jesse and all your amazingness has made my intire week more times then I can count. Talking to you every night is something I look forward to the moment the sun goes down (that's not creepy is it? I hope not) Your ability to make me smile with one simple word in capital letter (*cough Messe cough*) is truely amazing. You are smart, funny, careing and loyal and I can't say how much I love having you in my life.

Also to my little sister Kate who has suffered through each and every chapter without fail, crying and laughing because of my characters, never failing to put down whatever she's doing to hear me read her the next chapter. Love you to infinity and beyond baby sis

And to all my recent Messe shippers, you know who you are, you have made my day over the past few months. Seeing your comments and votes makes me more happy then it's possible to write down on paper. I love each and every one of you to the moon and back. So keep your eye out for Perfect. I really hope you'll love Spencer and Jayden as much as I do, if not more.

So for the last time


J xxx

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