Chapter Two "Hey were you sleep?" " Nooo! I was skydiving!"

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* Dedicated to winter_babes for all her amazing support! Make sure you check her out!


Chapter two: "Hey, were you alseep?" "Nooo! I was skydiving!"

Maxine's phone was ringing.

She rolled over with a grown, trying to smash her fist down on the decline button to stop the ringing sound. As soon as it stopped, she flopped down on the mattress next to Jena. The alarm clock said 5:05 am. What a terrible hour to be awake. Maxine thought curling back up under the covers. Just as she closed her eyes, the phone started up again. His time, they both growned. Maxine hit the decline button again and then lay staring at the ceiling. And then the phone started up again.

"Maxine if you don't answer that phone I will!" Jena yelled, pulling her pillow over her head. Maxine muttered something under her breath and fished around until she picked it up, pressing it to her ear without cheaking the called ID.
"Hello?" She asked, her voice thick with sleep.
"Maxine!" It was Rachel's voice, loud and chirpy, booming through the speaker. Maxine jumped and held the phone away from her ear just a bit as Rachel continued talking in a loud, over existed voice. "Were you alseep?" Maxine squinted at the clock again, the time hadn't changed, she had hoped she was dreaming.
"Noooo, I was skydiving! Really Racheal, what else would I be doing at 5:00 in the morning! Why are you up anyway?"
"So, I was looking through the catalogue this morning and oh my god! You should see the sales! Maxine we have to go! Please! You know James will never take me! Please Maxine please!"
"How are we going to get there?" Maxine asked. Lying back down against the pillows and throwing a hand over her eyes.

"My brother will drive us! I just asked him!"

"Rach, there is no way Jen is going to get into a car with Shane! Maybe you should ask that boyfriend of yours!"

"His name's James." Racheal huffed. "And he already said he won't. He's right here." Maxine sighed, rolling her eyes at Jena who was peeking out at her from under the pillow.

"Rach, I'll get Kate to drive us okay. Jen and I will be at your house at 10:00 am okay?" Racheal squealed down the phone and Jena laughed.
" I love you Max!"

"Yeah, I know. See you in two hours."

"You betcha!" Racheal responded. And then the line went dead. Maxine sighed and flopped back down on the mattress. Jena pulled the covers over her head. Two hours later, Maxien sat up again, cheaking the time. 7:23. Right, time to get up.
"We're going shopping." Maxine said, shaking her friends shoulder. Jena growned in responce. "Come on Jen." Maxine said, shaking her harder. "We both need to go anyway. I need to get a dress for that dinner thing that my Dad's hosting next week. You and Rach need one too as you two are both coming!"
"I am not!" Jena said, her voice muffled by the pillow as Maxine rolled off the mattress and to her feet.
"Yes you are." Maxine responded, grabbing a towel and clean underwear before heading into the bathroom attached to her room. She turned on the shower and stepped under the spray, letting the hot water beat down upon her, pounding the notes out of her shoulders.

When she stepped out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around her head, Jens was standing with her head in her wardrobe.

"Jen, what are you doing?" Maxine asked, pulling her towel off her head and pulling on a pair of trackie pants and a white tank top.

"Find you something to wear." Came Jena's muffled replie as she had her head stuck in the wardrobe.

"What's wronge with what I wear?" Maxine huffed crossing her arms over her chest and going to stand behind her friend, peering over her shoulder.

"Max, you can't go out wearing that!" Maxine looked down at herself.

"Why not?" Jena rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Go and see about getting us some breakfast." She replied, putting her head back in the wardrobe. "I'll stay here until I find you something descent." Maxine sighed and turned away, heading for the door. She wondered down the two flights of stairs and into the kitchen where Margret was standing up the stove, flipping something in a pan.

"Good morning Maxine." She said, speaking over her shoulder as Maxine sat on a stool at the bench, "you're up early." Maxine shrugged.

"I got a 5:00 phone call from Racheal telling me that we were going shopping." Margret chuckled.

"Those friends of yours are very interesting characters." She said, turning from the stove with a plate of pancakes which she set down on the bench in front of Maxine. Maxine's mouth watered. Margret smiled at her, pushing over two small bowls, one filled with jam and the other with cream. "I remembered you had a friend over, so you take these and your parents can have bacon and eggs. I know your mother won't mind."

"It's not Mum I'm worried about." Maxine muttered, picking up the dishes, but Marget didn't appear to have heard her, bustling over to the kitchen cupboard where she pulled out a carter of eggs. Maxine slipped out the door and headed up the stairs.

When she reached her room, she could hear Taylor Swift singing from the other end of the hallway. Shaking her head, she pushed open the door with her hip, kicking it closed with her foot and placing the food down on the floor beside the window. Jena was dancing round the room, singing into Maxine's hair brush, very out of tune. Maxine clapped her hands over her ears.

"Jen!" She said. Jena continued to dance round the room, singin at the top of her lungs. Maxine tried again. "Jena!" Still no luck. Then, "Jena Elizabeth McCarrie!" Jena stopped dancing and spun around to face her.

"Who calls my name?" Maxine rolled her eyes.

"Stop singing!" But Jena just grinned. She danced her way over to Maxine and grabbed her hand, pulling her into the center of the room. She pushed the hair brush into her hand.

"Sing with me Max!" Maxine tried to pull away, but Jena wouldn't let her. So soon, they were dancing round the room, singing at the top of their lungs. When the song came to an end, they both collapsed onto the bed, dissolving into giggles.

"You know, you have a really nice voice Max." Jena said, propping herself up on one elbow. Maxine raised an eyebrow at her.

"Ha! You're funny Jen!"

"No, I'm serious. You should addition for the X factor or something. You really are good." Maxine shrugged her off, jumping off the bed and heading over to the pancakes withe were still sitting on the floor by the window. But Jena's praise had warmed her and Maxine wondered if it really was possible. It was something she would love to do, to go out and share her voice with the world. But she wasn't sure if she stood a chance.


Hey everyone!

Here's the next chapter, isn't not very long I know. But I wanted you to get to know both Maxine and Jena. You saw a bit of Racheal in the chapter before and she's a little wild, but she's really cool. Let me know what you think!

Lots of love


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