Chapter Ten part one: Crazy? I Prefer the fraze mentally hilarious

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Hey everyone!

I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've updated. Had a bit of trouble getting internet and then I got shipped to Melbourne to do work experience so, hopefully this chapter will make up for it!

But lets try and get to 600 reads yeah? That would be absolutly amazing!!

Hasn't been edited guys, so just bare with me please!


Chapter Ten: Crazy? I prefer the frase mentally hilarious!

As soon as Maxine left the stage, she pinched herself, trying to work out if she was awake or not. She yelped, rubbing her arm and laughing at the same time. Yep! She was awake!

She twirled around for a couple of seconds and then skipped down the hall and into the waiting room. Holly and James were standing by the door waiting for her and Holly leapt into her arms, squessing the life out of her.

"You did it! You go through!' Maxine laughed and hugged her back. Then James hugged her.

"I should go ring my brother." Maxine said, smiling at the two of them. "If you see the boys could you let them know for me?" James nodded.


"Thanks." Maxine had never been so happy in her life. Desite pintching herself, she still wasnt sure if she was awake. She ran down the hallway to the nerrest door, dodging lines of people to get there. As soon as she was out side, she fumbled for her phone in her pocket. By the time she got to Jesse's car, it was already ringing.

Her brother picked up on the third ring.ring.His voice was hard to hear because of back ground noise and he sounded tired and stressed.
"Dylan! I did it! I managed it! I'm through!" There was a stunned silence. And then a breathy laugh echoed down the receiver.
"I knew you would Max." He said and she could hear the ride in his voice. No one had ever sounded like that when they spoke to her and Maxine's eyes filled with tears. She whipped her eyes with the back of her hand.
"I say it you know Max." Dylan said. She heard a door sliding open and then the back ground noise faded a little. "Your audition."
"You did?" Maxine asked.
"Yep. I asked my manager if we could stop the meeting for a second and I pulled it up on the TV in the staff room and everyone in the office watched it." Maxine's heart rate went up. Though if it was from fear or exsitment she wasn't really sure. Possibly both.
"Yep. Seriously! They all loved it Max!" Maxine giggled.
"You looked beautiful too baby girl." Dylan said and she could hear the smile in his voice. "But I'm gonna have to go okay? Jace is getting edgy. And you know what he's like when he's stressed."
"Okay." Maxine said. "Say hi to everyone from me."
"I will." Dylan said. "Call me if you need a lift home."
"I think I've got it covered." Maxine answered.
"Alright." Said Dylan. "In that case I'll see you when you get home."
"Yep." Said Maxine. "See you then."

When she entered the building again, Heartbeat was just leaving the stage, they're arms thrown over each other's shoulders. When they say her, they came surging towards her. Jesse reached her first, swinging her up in his arms and spinning her around. Maxine squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"I told you you'd be fine." He said in her ear. He spun her round a couple of times before putting her down again and stepping back. Maxine bearly had time to look up into his face before Oliver and Noah grabbed hold of her, talking at the tops of their voices about the contestant house and the rest of the show talking so loud Maxine almost clapped her hands over her ears.

When she got home that night, Dylan swept her up in a tight hug, swinging her round in circles. Maxine was laughing and so were the boys. Dylan shook hands with them all.
"How about you stay for dinner?" Dylan asked. "I'm sure Maxine wouldn't mind."
"Oh no." Noah began but Maxine leapt forward and grabbed his arm.
"Stay! Please!"
"Max.." Noah said, but Maxine tugged on his arm, jumping up and down.
"Please please please!" Noah shook his head at her.
"Okay okay!"
"Yeah!" Maxine danced around them, twirling in circles and clapping her hands. They were all laughing at her.
"You're crazy Maxine." Jesse said, lifting his arm as she darted underneath it. Maxine spun to a stop and grinned at him.
"Crazy? No...I prefer the frase mentally halrious." All four boys burst out laughing. Maxine was about to join in when her phone started ringing. She fished it out of her pocket. The laughter died in her throat and she swallowed.
"Max?" Dylan asked.
"It's Dad." Maxine said, her voice shaking. She stepped out into the hall and took the call, stepping out onto the balcony.
"Maxine Jade Waters!" Maxine flinched, running s hand through her hair.
"Dad, let me explain.."
"Explain!" Isaac roahed. "Explain! You have nothing to explain young lady. You are on the next plane to Melbourne first thing in the morning."
"Please Dad.."
"No!" Her father roahed. "I don't want to hear any excuses. You're pathetic! You know that? You're pathetic! Do you not care about your family's future? Are you selfish or something?"
"Dad.." Maxine began to cry. She hated it when her father talked to her like this. She tried to tell her he was just stressed from work, but she knew that wasn't true.
"No!" Isaac yelled. "You're coming home young lady and that's the end of it." The phone went dead and Maxine completely broke down. She slid down the wall, the hide her face in her hands.
"Maxine?" The door slid open and Jesse plopped down next to her. He took one looks t her face and then wrapped and arm around her shoulder and pulled her into a hug. Maxine rested her head on his shoulder, keeping her hands pressed tightly against her face.
"Family problems?" Jesse murmured, running a hand over her hair. Maxine sighed and rubbed at her face, trying to whip it free of tears.
"My Dad." She said, her voice muffled by Jesse's jacket. "He wants to pull me out of the X Factor. He called me pathetic and selfish and told me I didn't care about my family's future." She began to cry again, trying hard to keep her tears at bay. Jesse rubbed a hand down her back.
"Why are you being so nice?" Maxine mumbled. She felt him sigh against her.
"Because you're sad." He replied.
"But you hate me." Maxine said, lifting her head to look into his face. A small smile flicked across Jesse's face.
"I don't get on well with other people Maxine. It's not your fault. Oliver and Noah are really the only people I really talk to. There's a reason for that, but I don't think this is the right time to discuss it." Maxine sighed.
"What am I going to do?" She asked, pulling away from Jesse and resting her head back against the glass door.
"What do you want to do?" Jesse asked. Maxine turned her head to look at him.
"I want to stay." She said softly. "More then anything."
"Then stay." Jesse said. "If there's any advice I can give you it's don't let others rule your life. It's your life. Do what you want, not what others want you to do." He gave her hand a squeeze and then stood up, dusting off his jeans before stepping back inside. Maxine stayed where she was for a long while, staring up at the sky. She probably would have stayed there if her phone hadn't buzzed, flashing with an unknown number.

Come back in! Everyone's asking where you are
I didn't tell them anything that's your job but we're
about to start Footloose and you're missing out!
Maxine sighed and stood up, sliding the door open and slipping back inside. When she went into the living room, the boys were all sprawled over the furniture. Maxine slid down into the space next to Noah who flashed her a smile.
"Where were you?" Dylan asked.
"Just watching the stars." Maxine replied. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Jesse duck his head to hide a smile.


Hey everyone!

I'm so sorry this is late! I'm life as been pretty full on lately and yeah. I just haven't gotten around to updating. I really am sorry!
Thank you guys so much for sticking with this story.


lots of love

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