Chapter Fourteen: Don't burst like Free Willies Tank

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"The best feeling is, when you look at him and he's already staring."

Unedited guys!!! Sorry for the typos!

Chapter Fourteen: Don't burst like Free Willies Tank

By the time Maxine and the others got back to the contestant house, they still had an hour to kill before they got their time with the couches. They went down to the pool where most of the contestants were already hanging out. The water looked very inviting, but Maxine hadn't brought her bathers, (swimsuit for those who don't know what bathers are). She and Holly sat on the side, watching the boys who ditched their shirts and jumped into the water.
"That looks so nice!" Holly said, longingly. Maxine sighed.
"I know, but I can't be bothered to walk all the way up to the dorm to get my bathers." Holly nodded.
"Yeah, Same."
"Hey Waters!" Oliver yelled, hanging off Jesse's shoulders at the edge of the pool. "You coming in or are you just gonna sit there?"
"Just gonna sit here!" Maxine yelled back, grinning at him.
"But that's not fun!" Oliver yelled, flinging his arms wide to stay balanced as Jesse was swinging himself around, trying to throw him off.
"I'm not a fun person!" Maxine yelled back. Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed her from behind. She shrieked as Noah threw her over his shoulder and headed towards the pool.
"Noah! Put me down right now!" She yelled, hitting his back repeatedly.
"Sorry, but no." He said, approving  the pool.
"Noah if you don't put me down right this second I'll kick you in the balls!" Maxine yelled. She felt Noah's shoulders heave as he chuckled.
"Oooo I'm so scared." He mocked, coming to stop at the edge of the pool.
"Don't temp me James!' Maxine shreaked, but her threat fell on deaf ears. Without any effort at all, Noah flipped her off his shoulder and into the pool. She didn't even get a chance to scream.
Bursting out of the water, Maxine pushed her wet hair out of her face, spitting water out of her mouth. She glared up at Noah who was bent over double, clutching his stomach.
"Screw you James!" She yelled, pulling her wet shirt away from her body. Amid the loud laughter of the boys, she hear Jesse high five Noah. Maxine huffed and swam over to the edge of the pool, planning to haul herself out.
"Where are you going?" Oliver asked from behind her.
"I'm getting out." Maxine responded.
"Oh no you're not." Oliver replied, grabbing hold of her ankle. He gave it a good tug and dragged her backwards through the water. Maxine shrieked and tried to kick him not the face.
"Jess!" Oliver yelled, catching hold of her foot as she continuously tried to kick him in the nose, "come and hold Max for me will you! I'm gonna help Moore with his sister!" Over by the tables, Holly was being chased by James round and round the picnic table, screaming loudly. Hands came around Maxine's waist,  keeping her pressed tightly agains someone's chest. Jesse held onto her tightly and despite her struggling she couldn't get free. Oliver hauled himself out of the water and ran the other way round the picnic table, trapping Holly between him and James. Holly out her hands over her face as the two boys came towards her. Within seconds, she was air born, struggling wildly as they carried her towards the pool. On the count of three, they flung her into the water.
As soon as Jesse let go of her, Maxine jumped on him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. He swung himself wildly round in a circle, trying to throw her off, but Maxine hung on like a monkey. She was good at this, she'd been doing it to her brother in their pool at home for as long as she could remember. Then she hooked her ankle around Jesse's knee and pulled his legs out from under him. Maxine jumped off his back just as he went under. When he resurfaced, he was panting and spitting water.
"You're going to regret that Miss Waters." He said, his voice cold and quiet. Maxine decided it was probably a good time to move. She'd just gotten behind Oliver who was defending himself from an angry Holly when Amber came out to the pool area.
"Maxine Waters?" Maxine looked up from laughing at Jesse.
"Yes?" Amber smiled down at her.
"The coaches would like to see you now please." Maxine blinked.
"I thought we just wondered in." She said, confused. Amber shrugged.
"They asked me to get you."
"Okay." Maxine replied. "I'm coming." She hauled herself out of the water, grabbing a white towel off the back of a chair.
"Hey!" Noah yelled after her. "That's my towel!"
"Tough luck!" Maxine yelled back, grinning at him as she headed inside. "You shouldn't have thrown me in the pool and I wouldn't be using your towel!" She ran through the kitchens and the living area, heading up the stairs to her dorm. Thankfully, it was empty. Dally and Juliet must have still been out shopping. Maxine changed into a pair of jean shorts and a purple tank top before running a brush through her hair and heading down stairs to the studio.

When she pushed open the door, the couch Emma was just finishing up with a boy. When he turned around, Maxine recognised him as Oscar Martins. He was in her performing group and she'd heard a few of the girls talking about how sweet he was. When he saw her, he smirked, running his eyes down her body before they came to rest on his face.
"Hey there beautiful." He said. Maxine wrapped her arms around her stomach, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.
"Get going Oscar." Emma said, glaring at him. "Stop scareing the poor girl."
"I'm just saying hello." Oscar said, not turning towards the couch. "Calm yourself Em."
"Oscar." Emma said again, angry this time. Oscar shrugged and held his hands up in defence.
"I'm going, I'm going." He smirked at Maxine and moved his eyes up and down her body again. Maxine flinched and closed her eyes. Don't do it. She thought to herself don't burst like free willies tank! But thankfully he moved past her out into the hallway, closing the door behind him.
"I'm so sorry about him." Emma said, coming round the hug Maxine. "He's a little forward. How are you dear?" Maxine smiled at her, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.
"I'm good. What song are we gonna work on."
"Well, Emma said, moving round the the front of the studio. "Have you heard of the Song please don't say you love me by Gabriel Aplin?" Maxine nodded.
"Yeah, my best friend is in love with it. I've heard it at least twenty times. Emma smiled and handed Maxine a sheet of music.
"Well, you better get used to it cause you're gonna be singing it next week." Maxine sighed.
"Okay." She said, "let's do this."


Here's a filler chapter for you. I know it's a filler, but you need them some times.
QOTC: Favourite book?
AOTQ: The nature of Jade

Lots of love
Locket44 aka Jaymie

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