Chapter Five "Dylan is killen. Hey! That Rhymes!"

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Chapter Five: Dylan is Killen. Hey! That rhymes!

The office door was still closed.

It had been closed for about half an hour now and Maxine was getting cramps from sitting so still. Half an hour ago, Dylan had gone into the office to ask permission for Maxine to accompany him to Perth. And so far, he didn't have an answer. Maxine knew that there was a very slim chance that her father would let her miss the Myers Christmas ball, but she had to hope. She'd been going to that ball since she was five years old and it was always the same every year. She had to dance with the same people, eat the same food, give the same speach. The only thing that had changed at all over the years was the dress she wore. That was the one thing she looked forward to as she could always count on her mothers stylist to be differed.

The night before when they were down at the pool, Maxine had been quizzing Dylan on how exsactly all of this was going to work. But annoyingly, he seemed to have an answer for everything.

"And what about the X-Factor Dylan?" Maxine had asked. "How are you going to tell him about that?"

"We won't tell him." Dylan had answered, floating on his back, staring up at the sky.

"And how's that going to work?" Maxine had asked. "He'll see me on TV."

"Only if you get in." Dylan had replied.

"What? Won't he see the audition on the TV?"

"Only if you get through the first two rounds." Dylan had said, swimming over towards her. "I'm pretty sure you only audition on the actual show if you make it through the first two rounds which I'm pretty sure are off screen."

"And if I don't get in?" Maxine had asked.

"Then we won't tell him. If you don't get in, then he doesn't need to know. If you do get in, then there's nothing he can do about it as he won't be able to pull you out of the show." Maxine had blinked at him for a couple of seconds before she smiled.

"You're a genius Dylan." Dylan smirked and put his hands in the air, taking mini bows.

"Thank you, thank you." He said as if he was speaking to an audience. "I know I'm amazing." Maxine picked up a beach ball which was lying beside her and threw it at him. It hit him in the middle of the forehead and he went stumbling backwards, arms carriring like windmills. When he resurfaced, he glared at her.

"What was that for?" Maxine grinned at him.

"Don't drown in that ego of yours." Was her answer.

Now, Maxine could hardly sit still. She was about to stand up and start pacing when the door opened and her mother Melissa Waters come out. She smiled at Maixne and pulled her into a tight hug.

"I'm going to miss my baby girl over Chirstmas." She murmured in Maxine's hair. Mainxe heart jolted. She pulled back so she could see her mothers face.

"Wait, Mum. Does that mean I'm going?" Melissa didn't say anything, but the smile gave her away. Maxine leapt towards the office door and threw it open. Dylan was heading towards her, a smile in his face. Maxine launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He laughed and hugged her back, spinning her around.

"Ready to spend Christmas with me little sis?" He asked. Maxine looked up into his face and saw that his eyes were twinkling. Just as he was about to pull her out of the door, Isaac spoke.

"When do you plan on leaving son?" Dylan turned slowly round to face him, his hand still on Maxine's shoulder.

"We'll leave tonight as I have to be at that dinner tomorrow night. I'll have Sebasitan bring the jet around to Perth Air port." Isaac nodded.

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