Chapter Seventeen: You, Mr Cole are no saint yourself

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"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep, because reality is finally better then your dreams."
                           - Dr Suess

Guys! Check out the kick-ass trailer made by biahliar ! It's so freaking amazing! This chapter is dedicated to her! But for some reason the link wouldn't show up so I can't attach it to the chapter, but it is on YouTube so make sure you go find it!
Not edited guys! I apologise in advance!

Chapter Seventeen: You, Mr Cole are no saint yourself

Two days after the family weekend, Maxine made her way up to the studio to practise for the next weeks performance. Now things were starting to get dangerous. You had to have two songs prepared. If you were one of the last two to get your names called, that ment you went through to emanation. The two of you would sing your second song, giving everything you had and then the judges would deside who went home and who stayed. Maxine was nervous to say the least.
She was up in the studio alone, trying to pick a song, though her mind wasn't really in the job. All she could think about was what had happened with Jesse. He hadn't spoken to her since, had avoided her at all costs. Had she done something wrong?" Maixne let out a sigh and rubbed her hands over her face, letting her head come to rest on the counter. Oliver and Noah had still spoken to her, acted like nothing went wronge, but they still hadn't said anything about Jesse. It was driving Maxine crazy. She'd started to feel things for him that she didn't want to understand. Whenever he was near her, she was fully awear of him, every time he touched her, her body erupted in tingles. And she was missing talking to him more then she like to let on.
With another sigh, she lifted her head off the counter and continued to look through the song choices. Most of them she hadn't even heard of. In the end, she choice one. The call by Regina Spectar. Maxine slipped the headphone off the stand and put them on, swaying her head slowly to the music.

It started out as a feeling. Which then grew into a hope. Which then turned into a quiet thought which then turned into a quiet word. And then that word grew louder and louder, till it was a battle cry. I'll come back, when you call me. No need to say goodbye.
Just because everything's changing, doesn't mean it's never been this way before. All you can do is try to know who you're friends are, as you head off to the war. Pick a star on the dark horizon and follow the light! You'll come back. When they call you. No need to say goodbye.

The sound  of her name made her jump. She paused the music and lifted the headphones off. Oliver was standing in the doorway, leaning against the door frame, his hands in his pockets.
"Hey." Maxine said, smiling at him as she the placed the headphones back on the stand. Oliver smiled back.
"They're putting us into teams." He said, pushing off the doorway. "The costume department want you down there as soon as you can."
"Are they filming it?" Maxine asked, joining him in the hallway and closing the studio door.
"Yep." Oliver replied. "It's going to be shown to the public before next weeks performances. And our coaches are going to start training us."
After being let out of hair and making and the costume department, Maxine headed down to the hall where all the other annocments were made. Everyone else was already there and the room had been completly transfromed. It was covered in flowers and pretty clothes, huge rows for the contestants to stand before a beautiful back drop. Maixne hardly had time to look at it all because a stage hand grabbed her arm, pushing into line behind the other contestants as they all hurried to take their places in front of the back drop. Craning her neck, Maxine could see the Heartbeat boys two rows back from her at the end of the line. Abby Lane was just in front of her, two contestants down. Then the cameras started rolling and she had to stare straight ahead. Amber appeared, stepping into the line of the camera.
"Good evening ladies and gentleman and welcome to the X -Factor Australia. As you can see behind me all the contestants are waiting to see which judges heart they have won their way into. Tonight the judges will be deciding who they want on their team. Get ready for the existing time as our judges make their entrance! Give it up for the judges!" The contestants around Maxine started clapping as the four judges made their way into the room. But Maxine only had eyes for. She knew who's team she wanted to be on. Dani Manog was between Redfoo and Ronan, smiling up at the contestants and waving at the camera. If it came down to choosing, Maixne knew who she would pick.

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