Chapter Nighteen: We have Five Fingers for a reason

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"Love is not an equation, it's is not a contract, and it is not a happy ending. Love is the slate under the chalk, the ground that buildings rise, and the oxygen in the air. It is the place you come back to, no matter where you're headed."
-Jodi Picoult

Not edited guys.
Dedicated to Siriusly_fandoms for talking to me last night when j couldn't sleep and stopping a panic attack from coming on. If you guys haven't checked her out already,mother to do it! Now!

Chapter Nighteen: We have five fingers for a reason

Maxine couldn't breath.
She couldn't think.
She couldn't think about this now.
So she did the only thing she could think of.
She ran.

She ducked out from under Jesse's arm and ran for the door, yanking it open and sprinting down the stairs. She burst into the common room and grabbed Holly. Dragging her out round the back of the contestant hours, near the back gates.
"Maxine!" Holly yelled, yanking her arm free. "What the hell has gotten in to you?" Maxine began to pace the pool area, running her hands repeatedly over her face. Her hands were shaking and she could barely breath.
"Jesse almost kissed me." She murmured. Holly cupped a hand to her ear.
"What? I didn't hear you!"
"Jesse almost kissed me!" Maxine yelled, swining around to face her. Holly stopped walking and blinked at her.
"Seriously?" Maxine sighed, jerking her hands through her hair.
"Yes. Seriously." Holly gaped at her, her mouth hanging open wide enough to fit a golf ball down her throat.
"Stop looking at me like that." Maxine grumbled, throwing herself down in a chair by the pool. Holly sat down beside her, still looking shocked.
"This is Jesse Cole we're talking about here." She said helpfully.
"Thanks for stating the obvious." Said Maxine. Holly rolled her eyes.
"You know what I mean! The guys like a walking cold stone. There's no emotions in him except for anger at all. Maxine rolled her eyes at her.
"That is really not helping my situation."
"Well do you like him?" Holly asked. Maxine blinked at her.
"Do you like him." Holly repeated. Maxine ran a hand over her face.
"I don't know. I honestly have no idea. He's so confusing, constantly giving mixed signals. One minute he likes me, the next he hates me and then he's in between. I'm just so confused Holls!"
Holly put her hand on her shoulder and pulled her into a hug.
"Don't think too much about it Max. If you think too much about that will only make it more complicated." Maxine groaned and dropped her head onto Holly's shoulder. The two girls stayed like that for a while when suddenly, James came racing round the corner. He was yelling something and waving his arms in the air.
"What's up with him?" Holly asked, letting go of Maxine and standing up. Maxine stood up too and they went to meet him.
"What up bro?" Holly asked. James was panting heavily and he pointed over his shoulder.
"Jesse and Oscar." He panted.
"Yeah, what about them?" Holly asked.
"They're. Fighting." James panted.
"They're what!" Maxine cried, pushing past James. "Where the hell are they?"
"They're out by the pool area." James said, finally catching his breath.

Without waiting for another word, Maxine took off running, racing round the corner to get to the pool area. As she ran through the common room, she could hear shouts.
"Fight! Fight! Fight!" She burst through the doors and came across every single X-Facotr contestant, in a circle. Struggling together in the middle were Jesse and Oscar.
Maxine began to push her way through the croud, trying to get to the middle when they finally let he through, Oscar was on the ground, Jesse on top of him. Jesse threw punch after punch into Oscars face, though Oscar was egging him on.
"Go on!" He yelled. "Hit me! Hit me!"
"Stop it!" Maxine screamed. Oscar turned his head towards her, but Jesse wouldn't stop. In the end, Maxine leapt into the circle and grabbed onto Jesse's shoulders. She yanked him backwards off Oscar, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. He struggled and screamed as two boys came forward to help Oscar up, who spat blood out of his mouth. Then Noah was there.
He gripped onto Jesse's shoulders, holding him down.
"Get in his face!" Noah yelled. "You have to bring him back!"
"Bring him back?" Maxine yelled. "Bring him back? How the hell do I bring him back?"
"Talk to him." Noah cried, struggling to keep him under control. "Remind him that he's here. Not there."
Taking a deep breath, Maxine put her hands on either side of Jesse's face. He struggled frantically, and Maxine had to hold on tighter.
"Jesse. Jesse, I need to you look at me."
"Leave me alone!" Jesse screamed, struggling widely.
"Hurry up Maxine." Said Noah, struggling to hold him. Maxine took another deep breath.
"Jess. Hey. I'm right here. You're right here. You're not there. Okay. You're here with me." Jesse was still struggling, but his eyes flicked up to her face. "Jesse. Jesse. Breath with me okay? You're here with me. It's me Jesse. It's Maxine."
After fifteen minutes of fighting, Jesse finally stopped struggling. He slumped forward against Maxine who wrapped her arms around his shaking form. Noah let go of him, bending over to rest his hands in his knees. Jesse's face was hidden in the crook of Maxines neck and she could feel his wet tears dripping onto her shoulder. She ran her fingers through his hair, rocking them both slowly back and forth.
"Shhh." She murmured softly in his ear. "It's okay. It's okay. Deep breaths Jess. It's okay, I've got you. I've got you."

Half an hour later Jesse and Maxine were in the kitchens with Amber. Amber had the first aid kit out and was seeing to Jesse bruised and cut knuckles. Every time she whipped them, he hissed in pain, his grip on Maxines hand tightening.
"You boys shouldn't fight." Amber said, sighing. "Fighting isn't going to help anyone." She stood up with the first aid kit and after rubbing Jesse shoulder, left the room. Maxine began to pace.
"I know you're mad." Jesse said, his head bowed. Maixne scowled.
"Mad? I'm furious! How could you get into a fight with him?"
"He started it!"
"I don't care who started it. I finished it and I shouldn't have to do that! Jesus Jesse! Why did you let him proct you!"
Jesse ran a hand through his hair. "Jesse we have finger fingers for a reason." Maxine said, sitting down beside him. "Give me your hand." Jesse held out his hand and Maxine spread his palm out flat.
"Your pinky finger, for the promises you will never brake.
Your ring finger, for that special girl when the time is right.
Your middle finger, for that dick who pushes you too far.
Your pointer finger, to point out your dearest family members.
And your thumb, to show the world you're gonna be okay." Maxine closed Jesse's hand in a fist and smiled at him. "None of them are for hitting. Okay?"
Jesse let out a tired smile.

Okay guys! Here's the next chapter! Enjoy!

Lots of love
Locket44 aka Jaymie

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