Chapter Thirty One: Playing Cupid

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"I literally cannot even, I can't even, I am unable to even, I am so unable to even!"

            - Tyler Oakley


Chapter Thirty One: Playing Cupid

It was about three weeks after the day at the fair that Jena desided to drop her bomb. She and Maxine were out the back of Maxine's house, out by the pool and Maxine was just wrapping a towel around her waist after getting out of the water when Jena spoke up.

"Hey, do you remember that guy at that fair? The one running the bouncy castle?" She asked casually, pushing her sunglasses on top of her head. Maxine flopped down in one of the beach chairs and nodded.

"Yeah, I remember him. Why?"

"Well. . ." Jena said slowly. "I may or may not have asked for his number and been talking to him ever since." Maxine blinked.


"I. . "

"No, I heard you. Jen that's great! So how's it going?" Jena rubbed the towel over her wet hair to dry it and then flopped down in a seat beside her friend.

"It's going okay."

"Just okay?" Maxine asked, raising her head to looked at her. Jena shrugged.

"Okay, well it's going as well as it can go when we haven't seen each other face to face since the fair."

"Oh." Maxine said. "Right. What's his name?"

"Calum." Jena replied and Maxine saw the dizzy smile spread over her friends face just at the mention of him. She reached over and swatted at Jena with her beach towel, her face splitting into a huge smile.

"You so like him!" She squealed, almost jumping up out of her seat. Jean fried and threw a hand over her eyes.

"I like him a lot more then is probably safe for my mental health." Maxine squealed again and kicked her toes in the air. Jena simply laughed at her as Maxine scooted her chair closer like and exsited puppy.

"Are you bringing him to the beach tomorrow?" She asked. Jena looked at her out of the corner of her eye.

"Do you think I should? I mean, it wouldn't be weird or anything?" Maxine rolled her eyes and flung herself back in her chair.

"It's a brilliant idea Jen." She said. "Besides, how can I give you my consent if I've never met the guy properly? That's just going against best friend rules!"

"That's rich coming from you!" Jena said, sorting. She flipped her sunglasses down over her eyes to shut out the bright light. "I've never met your boyfriend. The only reason I know he's real is coz I've seen him on TV." Maxine smiled and tapped the side of her nose in a cheeky fashion.

"All in good time Jen Jen." She said, patting her friend on the arm. "All in good time."

When the next day rolled around, Maxine was up early. Half asleep, she tumbled her way into the car trusting Kate to get her where she needed to go. Jena, Calum, Racheal and Rachael's boyfriend James were meeting her there as they wanted to catch the train in like normal teenagers. Unfortunity, because of her recent fame on the X-Factor, it was agreed between Maxine and her mother that if she wanted to go to the beach, she had to let Kate drive her and have her body guard Chris at least with seeing distance. It was the only way her mother woul let her leave the house and Maxine took it. Over the past three weeks, since Heartbeat received their record deal, Maxine had been asked for interviews on radio, podcast and television and this was her one chance to take a break before her big interview with nice news and there was no way that she was going to pass it up.

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