Chapter Thirty: I'm going on that bouncy castle.

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"I still get nervous talking to girls."

                  - Harry Styles


Chapter Thirty: I'm going in that bouncy castle.

The Airport was a lot less crowded then Maxine would have expected. Half the country knew that she and Heartbeat were flying home today, Maxine back to Melbourne and Heartbeat up to Darwin where the James family was spending the next month, and the few fans they had seen came forward for a quick photo and a conversation before moving off again. It was as if they were giving the four teenagers some privacy. Privacy which she knew they were all greatful for. Oliver and Noah were walking ahead whilst Jesse and Maxine were behind them, hand in hand. Every step closer they took towards the boys gate the more Maxine wanted to drag them in the other direction. People were already lining up when the four of them arrived. They weighed their bags in and then Oliver pulled Maxine into a tight hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held onto him. When she pulled away, he cupped her face in his hands.

"We'll see you in three months okay?" He said. Maxine nodded. Oliver nodded back at her, rubbing his hand over her shoulders.

"My turn." Said Noah. Maxine laughed and wrapped her arms around him. She loved these three boys a lot more then she let on. Her three musketeers.

"I'm gonna miss you Maxy." Noah said, spinning her around in a circle.

"I'm gonna miss you too N." He put her down and then Oliver slapped Jesse on the shoulder who'd been standing off to the sidelines.

"We'll see you on the plane man." He said. Jesse nodded his head slowly. Maxine walked with them to the gate, hugging them again, trying to ignore the flashing of the cameras surrounding them and she stood waving until they disappeared. When they were gone from sight, she slowly turned back around. Now was the moment she'd been dreading. Jesse opened his arms and Maxine ran into them, jumping up and wrapping her legs around his waist. He held onto her tightly, burying his face in her hair.

"I love you." He murmured softly and Maxine felt tears burn her eyes, but he was still talking.

"I'm in love with you and I need you to always remember that. Because no matter where I am in the world or how far away from me you are, I'll still be in love with you." He hugged her tightly, letting her hide her face in his shoulder. "You're my everything now Jellybean." He set her down and took her face in his hands. "Nothing matters to me more then you." Maxine closed her eyes, trying to trap the flow of tears. Jesse rested his forehead against her, his hands coming to rest on her hips. They called his flight number again and he let out a deep breath.

"I need to go." He murmured. Maxine shook her head stubbornly.

"You can't." His thumbs gently stroked her cheeks, whipping away her tears.

"I have to." Maxine opened her eyes, taking in his face, committing ever detail to memory. His brown hair, his dark eyes, his high cheeks bones and his smile. He bent his head to kiss her. The kiss was sweet and soft and when he pulled away, Maxine began to cry properly. Jesse's thumbs whipped the tears from her cheeks.

"Close your eyes." He murmured softly. Maxine shook her dad, knowing that if she closed her eyes, he'd be gone.

"No." Jesse took her hands in his, rubbing his thumbs over her knuckles.

"Close your eyes Jellybean." Slowly, Maxine's eyelids fluttered closed and she had to fight with herself not to open them. "Count down from ten." Jesse whispered. In a shaky voice, she began to count.

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