Chapter Twenty Nine: Goodbye isn't just black and white

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If you're prepared to adapt; you can transform."
-Colin Firth, Kingsmen, the secret service.

Please read the authors note at the end! Thank ____________________________________________________________

Chapter Twenty Nine: Goodbye isn't just black and white

The bus ride back to the contestant house was very quiet. Heartbeats victory over winning the compition had been breif, before they'd all lapsed into an exhausted silence. Maxine was staring out the window at the rain that was sheeting down the glass, Jesse's head resting on her shoulder and his breath stirring her hair as he dreamed. Oliver, Noah and Oscar sat quiet, spread out in different seats around the bus. Oliver was leaning his hand back against the seat, his eyes close, arms crossed over his chest. Noah was curled up against the window, his ear phones in his ears. And Oscar was staring out the window like Maxine, watching the rain lashing against the glass. With a sigh, Maxine turned her attention back to the rain and tired not to think about how tomorrow, they would all be going home.

When they arrived back at the contestant house, it took Maxine a few tries to wake Jesse. He lifted his head slowly, blinking around him in confusion, but to Maxine's suprise, he didn't start thrashing like she'd expected. He simply reached for his bag on the floor and stood up, slinging it over his shoulder and holding out his hand to Maxine with a tired smile.

"Come on Jellybean." He said, his voice quiet and husky. With a tired smile, Maxine took his hand and let him pull her up, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her close to his body as they waited for Oscar to climb out of his seat. Kit was waiting for them by the door of the bus with an umbrella and he took Oliver and Noah across to the door of the contestant house first and then came back for Oscar and then for Jesse and Maxine. When they reached the door of the contestant house, Amber was waiting for them. Oscar was standing beside a woman with dark brown hair over by the stairs.

"Oscar will be leaving us tonight." Amber said. "He said he'd rather get a good night sleep then lie for ages staring at the ceiling." Holding his hand out for Oscar to shake, Oliver stepped forward. When they shook hands, Oscar gave Oliver a slap on the shoulder.

"Well done mate." Oscar said, sending him a small grin. Then he nodded at Noah, Jesse and Maxine over Olivers shoulder. "Well done all of you. I'm sorry we got off to such a bad start. Especially you Jesse. Maxine, I'm so sorry I was such a dick to you. I had no reason to treat you like that." He sent them all one last smile before he reached over to hug Amber, thanking her for helping to get him this far. Then he turned and followed his mother out the door, leaving the five of them staring after him as he hopped into a white car waiting in the driveway. The five of them watched as the car drew out of the parking space and disappeared round the bend in the driveway. There was a sort silence before Amber spoke, her voice loud in the eerie quiet.

"How would you four like to sent up some mattress in the movie theatre tonight? There's a pretty wide variety of DVDs in there and I'll get my mother to make you all some rice pudding and hot chocolate. That way you can all relax on your final night together. How does that sound?"

"That sounds amazing Amber." Said Noah and Jesse and Oliver nodded their heads in agreement. Maxine smiled, though she was still a little shocked by Oscar's apology. Sure, he'd made her feel uncomfortable on more then one occasion and he'd always taken a strange pleasure in getting Jesse riled up, but he'd never gone compelty out of his way to make her misirble. She was still thinking about it when hands touched her chin and tilted her head up. She found herself looking into Jesse's warm brown eyes.

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