Chapter Nine: "You didn't! You failed to throw the paper in the bin."

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Hey everyone!!!!
Long time no see! I'm so sorry about that by the way!!! Anyways, here's a new chapter for you!!!
(Noah on the side------>)
Chapter Nine: "You didn't! You failed to throw the paper in the bin."

It was quarter past five when Maxine's phone went off.

She rolled over, trying to find it without actually opening her eyes. But she failed. Cracking one eye open, she reached for the vibrating object on her bedside table and took the call, throwing her arm over her eyes.
"What!" She grunted, snuggling down further into the covers.
"Is that how you treat a friend?" The voice on the other end of the phone chuckled. Maixne sighed.
"What do you want Noah? It's quarter past five in the morning! I want to sleep!"
"Don't you want to talk to me?" He asked. "I'm hurt."
"What do you want!"
"Okay, okay! You know we have to be at the auditions at quarter to seven right?" Maxine growned in responce. "I'll take that as a yes." Noah said. "We're coming to pick you up okay?"
"Why?" Maxine asked, rubbing a hand over her eyes.
"Because we want to." Noah said. "Now. Tell me where you and Dylan are staying." Maxine told him the address and then they said their goodbyes. Maxine slammed her phone down on the bedside table again and rolled over, burying her face in the pillow.

"Maxy." Poke
"Max." Poke
"Max." Poke poke
"Maxine!" Full on shake.
Maxine growned, shrugging off the hand that was shaking her and rolling over again.
"Maxine get up now." Maxine grunted and pulled the covers over her head.
"Maxine, the boys are gonna be here in half an hour. You have to get up. Now." Maxine sat bolt up right, the cover wrapped around her waist. Dylan was standing at the edge of her bed, his hands on his hips, glaring at her.
"Did you say half an hour?" Maxine asked. Dylan pulled his phone out of his pocket and creaked the time.
"Yep. Half an hour." Maxine shrieked and swung her legs out of bed. She padded into her bathroom and turned on the water, standing under the hot spray for under five minutes. As soon as she was out, she wrapped a towel around herself and headed for her wardrobe. In ten minutes, she was ready.
Dylan was in the small kitchen, throwing some bread into the toaster. He pushed a cup of coffee across the table towards her as she sat down.
"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" Maxine growned, glancing up at the clock. 6:40 am. Dylan shrugged, almost dropping the toast as he dropped into onto a plate.
"Cause I knew you wouldn't get up if I tried?" Maxine spread some butter and honey in her toast and shoved it in her mouth. Then she shrugged, brushing the crums off her finger tips.
"You know I'm not a morning person."
"I know." Dylan answered with a smile. "That's why I almost didn't bother." Maxine smiled.
"You were smart. You valuded you soul." Dylan rolled his eyes at her.

Half an hour later, Maxine was sitting on the couch flicking through the channels on the TV when the intercom buzzed. Dylan walked in from the kitchen and pressed the button on the wall.
"Dylan Waters." A girl's voice came through the wall, sickly sweet and simpering
"Mr Waters, I have three young men down here in the lobby. They say they're here to see your sister."
"Send them up."
"But Mr Waters, don't you want to know who they are?"
"I said send them up." Dylan said, his voice cold.
"Yes sir."
Dylan moved into the living room and dropped down onto the couch beside Maxine.
"Did you need to be so mean?" She asked, annoyed. Dylan shrugged.
"She's been annoying me ever since we got here." Before Maxine could answer, someone knocked on the door. "That would be for you Max." Dylan said, putting his feet up on the coffee table. Maxine stood up and moved over to the door. When she opened it, Noah was standing on the other side, his hands in his pockets.
"Hey!" He said, smiling at Maxine.
"Ready to go?" Maxine shut the door behind her and grinned.
"You bet!"

When they reached the lobby of the hotel, Jesse and Oliver were waiting for them by the doors. Then four of them climbed into a car which Maxine assumed was Jesse's as he got behind the wheel. Most of the journey was travelled in silence, Noah and Oliver strumming softly on their guitars and Maxine, sitting in the front seat beside Jesse was running over the lyrics of her song over and over in her head.
When they reached the auditions, Maxine was tapping her fingers against her lap. Oliver and Noah got out first and Maxine was about to follow when Jesse caught hold of her shoulder. Without looking at her, he spoke, his voice low.
"Don't over think. And don't be nervous. You'll be fine." Maxine stared at him.
"I know you're nervous." Maxine nodded slowly.
"Yes I'm nervous. Aren't you nervous too?" Jesse shrugged.
"Not really." Maxine was about to answer when Noah rapped on the window, making them both jumped.
"Come on!" He called. "We don't have all day."

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