Chapter Eleven: "If a serial killer sneaks in he'll kill you first!"

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Hey everyone!
Blue Evelope is a made up chat site! Read the chapter and you'll get what I mean!
Just thought I'd let you know before hand that I will be putting a question at the end of every chapter. If you feel like answering them, please, make my day! It helps me feel like I'm bonding with my readers. Also, I'm having a bit of a delemer at the moment. I'm having a bit of trouble keeping up with writing this book. I just feel like it's going no where.... I'm not sure if I should keep writing it cause I just keep putting myself down about it... Should I continue with it or should I just let it go?
God, I have absolutely no idea...I'm so stressed about it...
Anyway...back to Maxine's world shall we?

Chapter Eleven: "Because if a serial killer gets in, he'll kill you first!"

By the time Maxine and Holly were half way to their dormirty, they'd run into so many people and been introduced so many times they could barely remember anything.
"What did she say her name was again?" Holly asked, looking horribly confused as yet another girl bounced back off down the stairs. "And where did she say she was from? New York? Germany? Pluto?" Maxine laughed as they came to the top of the stairs and turned left, heading down a long corridor searching for their room number.
"It defently wasn't Pluto Holly. I think she might have said Sydney, but with you yelling in my ear the intire time I didn't really catch it." Holly smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry. Now, do you have any idea where our dorm is?"
"No." Maxine replied. "We could ask someone." They continued their walk up the nearest flight of stairs, dodging who ever came near them, trying to go unnoticed. No such luck.

"Oh my God!" Squealed a voice in Maxine's ear. "You're Maxine Waters! Dylan's sister." Maxine winced and slowly turned around, plastering a fake smile on her lips. Two girls were standing on the steps behind them. They wouldn't have been any older then ten, eleven at the most. The taller one practically bounded down the stairs and skidded to a stop in front of Maxine and Holly.
"Hi." Maxine said, holding out her hand for them to shake. "Yes. I'm Dylan Waters sister." The two girls giggled and the taller one shook her hand.
"I'm Sky." Maxine smiled.
"It's nice to meet you Sky."
"Can you give me Dylan's number?" Sky asked, her eyes widening with exsitment and her fingers tightening into a death grip on Maxine hand. Maxine winced and tried to pull her hand free.
"I can't give you his number, but I can get him to sign a few things for you if you like?" Sky's eyes went wide. She looked over at her friend who nodded frantically.
"You'd really do that!" She gasped. "Like get him to sign a photo for us or something?" Maxine resisted the urge to roll her eyes.
"Sure I can. I can get you tickets to his premier too if you like." The two girls squealed.
"Really! Thank you so much! I'm Sky, but you already know that and this is Tanya. You are now our favourite person! Thank you so much! I really hope you win!"
"Wait, you're not in the compition?" Holly asked. Sky shook her head.
"No silly! I'm Ambers sister so I get to go around and talk to everyone on the first day! I get to meet all the future stars because of my sisters job!"
"Amber? Who's Amber again?" Maxine asked. Sky huffed.
"She's the one who listened to you on your first audition!"
"Oh!" Maxine said, remembering the pretty lady in blue who let her through to the live auditions.
"She runs all the activities whenever you're not training or performing." Sky said proudly and Maxine could tell she was about to go on a really long rant about how great her sister was.
"Well, it was lovely to meet you both." She said smiling. "And I'll make sure Dylan sends you those things yeah?" Sky and Tanya nodded eagerly. "Good." Maxine smiled at them both. And then Holly popped her head around Maxine's back.
"You two wouldn't happen to know where dormirty seventeen is would you?" Sky thought form a second and then smiled.
"Yep! Would you like us to show you?"
"Yes please." Holly said smiling at her. Sky and Tanya hurried along ahead of them and Holly caught hold of Maxine's arm.
"Do people always jump on you like that and ask you for Dylan's number?" Maxine shrugged as they hurried up the large staircase after the two younger girls.
"Sometimes. But that's the first ten year old to ask me for it."

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