Chapter Ten Part two

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Okay, so guys we didn't get to 600 reads which is a bit of a disappointment, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop writing. I know I have four people who like my story and seriously, you guys are the best! This chapter is dedicated to winter_babes and @ayakiperman and @Bitterblu for their on going support. I cannot tell you guys how much it means to me to see you've voted for my story every time after I've updated. You guys make me want to keep writing and I seriously hope you know that.
Thanks again
Lots of love
Locket44 xxxx
(Dylan o'brien is playing James Moore, Holly's brother)

Chapter Ten part two

"Have you got everything?" Dylan asked for the thousandth time. Maxine rolled her eyes and smile up at her brother.
"Yes Dylan."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive."
"Are you sure you're sure?"
"Yes Dyl."
"Are you.."
"Dylan!" Maxine cried, throwing her arms up in the air. "I have everything okay?" Dylan smiled and ruffled her hair.
"Okay." He said.

Maxine leaned against the back of Dylan's car. She couldn't believe it! She'd defied her father and was doing what she wanted to do with her life for a change. He had no say in it at all. And there were no words to describe how happy she was feeling.
"What time did Oliver say the bus should be here to pick you up?" Dylan asked, reappearing round the side of car with a coffee. Maxine fished her phone out of her pocket.
"Umm. 10:30." Dylan checked his watch.
"Well it's 10:24 now. Shouldn't be too much longer." He shooed Maxine out of the way and opened the boot of the car, lifting her suitcase out. Maxine reached in for her shoulder bag and opened it, double checking that she had everything. Dylan started rambling off a list of things that she should have in her shoulder bag.
"Bus ticket?"
Phone charger?"
"Key to my apartment?"
"Dylan I don't think.."
"Do you have it or not?"
"It's in my suitcase."
"Okay." Dylan said, turning his phone off. "It seems you have everything."
"I did tell you I had everything." Maxine said as a huge bus came round the corner into the car park. A huge red and white X was slapped onto the side along with the smiling faces of the four judges. A phrase along the bottoms said: The X Factor! Now playing on Channel Ten!
The bus pulled up a few metres from the car and the door opened. Oliver and Noah came out, hurrying over to Maxine and Dylan.
"We have to hurry." Oliver said, grabbing Maxine's case. "He's on schedule."
"Go find a seat Max." Noah said. "We'll take care of your bag."
"There's a spare seat next to Jesse." Oliver yelled over his shoulder. "He's by the window though."
While the two brothers ran with Maxine's case over to the trailer behind the bus and started chatting to the bus driver, Maxine turned to Dylan. He held out his arms for a hug and she went straight into them, wrapping her arms around his neck. He hugged her tightly and Maxine felt tears forming in her eyes and she squeezed them closed, clinging to Dylan even tighter.
"Hey." He said gently, taking her face in his hands. "No tears okay?" Behind her, Maxine was awear of Oliver and Noah running back to the bus. She nodded her head, smiling up at him.
"You take care of yourself baby girl." Dylan said, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.
" Maxine!" Noah shouted. Maxine looked over her shoulder. He was signalling to her frantically. "Hurry up."
"I've got to go." She said, hugging him again. "You go and kill your audition." She said. Dylan smiled and squeezed her tightly.
"I will. Now go and show the world what you've got." She reached up and kissed her brother on the cheek, before grabbing her bag off the boot and sprinting to the bus. At the door the bus driver, a young man who's name tags read: Kit.
"Hey!" Maxine said when he checked her ticket and motioned for her to go on. "I remember you!" Kit smiled. Clearly he remembered her too.
"It's nice to see you again miss."
"Maxine." Maxine said, holding out her hand. He took and it and they shook. Then Maxine took her ticket from him and made her way down the isle. Oliver, Noah and Jesse were sitting a few seats from the front and Maxine slid into the seat beside Jesse. He completely ignored her, his cheek resting in his palm, the hood of the gray hoodie he was wearing pulled up over his head and earphones in his ears. He looked very tired and pale with dark rings under his eyes. His black hair looked rumpled and dirty and his cheeks had no colour in them at all. He looked sick as well as exhausted. He didn't look relaxed, even while he was sleeping. Maxine turned to Oliver who was sitting across the isle from her.
"What's wrong with Jesse?" She asked. Oliver looked up from his phone.
"Jesse." Maxine repeated. "What's wrong with him?" Oliver shrugged.
"Nothing. He's just tired." But he wouldn't look her in the eye. Maxine shrugged. If he didn't want to tell her why Jesse looked sick and exhausted then that was his problem. It wasn't any of her business. She took out her iPod and plugged her headphones into her ears, flipping through her playlist. She'd been sitting there for about half an hour when the bus turned a corner sharply and Jesse jerked awake. He started beside her and looked around him in confusson.
"Jess." Oliver said sharply. Maxine had never heard him speak so abruptly. Jesse's head whipped towards him and Maxine noticed her looked terrified.
"Oli?" He asked and with a jolt Maxine realised he couldn't see Oliver.
"Maxine." Oliver said just as sharply making her jump. "Take his hand."
"Just do it." Without another word, Maxine reached out and intwinder her fingers with Jesse's. He jumped, looking around widly.
"Jesse." Oliver said firmly. "Jess, you're on the bus. You're on the bus going to the constant house. Okay? Jesse? Can you hear me?" Jesse whimpered, trying to remove his seatbelt. He suddenly lashed out and began to struggle.
"Shit." Oliver swore under his breath. "Maxine. Move out of the way. Now." Terrified, Maxine scrambled out of the seat as Jesse slammed his hands into the seat in front of him. Oliver slid past Maxine and into her seat as Noah grabbed her from behind and pulled her into Oliver chair. Meanwhile, Jesse began to cry out, but his words weren't making any sense.
"No. Dad. Please. Let me out! Dad please! No!" Oliver grabbed onto Jesse's shoulders, trying to get into his line of vision.
"Jess." He said firmly. "Jess it's not real. You know it's not real. You're not there. You're here, on the bus with me. Okay?" But Jesse didn't seem to hear him. He screamed and struggled, trying to get Oliver off him, hitting what ever part of him he could reach. Oliver flinched as Jesse's fist connected with his face, but he didn't let go. Jesse yelled again and the bus jerked to a stop, people began turning around.
"This is not good." Noah muttered. "Oliver, you need to get him out of it."
"I'm trying." Oliver hissed. "Jesse! Jesse snap out of it! It's not real! You're okay! It's not real Jesse! It's not real!" Finally, it seemed to work. Slowly Jesse stopped struggling. The terrified look left his eyes and he looked around him in confusion.
"Jess?" Oliver asked. Noah signalled to Kit to keep driving and the bus moved off again.
"Nothing to see here people." Noah said firmly. Oliver was still focused on Jesse.
"Jess?" He asked again.
"I'm okay." Jesse said softly. He released his hold on the seat in front of him and slumped back in his seat, his face pale and tight, sweat glisning on his brow. Slowly, Oliver released his hold on him, letting his hands fall to his sides.
"What happened?" Jesse asked softly, lifting his head to meet Oliver's gaze. When he saw Oliver face he sat up right.
"Crap." He said. "I hit you? Why did I hit you? What the hell happened?"
"You don't remember?" Maxine squeaked. For the first time, Jesse seemed to notice her. His face looked even more colour and he looked around him properly at the faces of all the other people, a few of which were still staring. He looked towards Oliver looking horrified.
"You had an attack." Oliver said flatly. "The sharp jerk of the bus must have triggered it."
"But you had on yesterday." Noah said.
"Did you take the pills this morning Jess?" Oliver asked. Jesse ran his hands over his face.
"They give me a headache." Oliver suddenly slammed his hand into the seat in front of him.
"Those poor people." Maxine thought as the boy in front of Oliver jumped violently.
"Jesus Christ Jesse!" Oliver fumed. "A headache? They gave you a headache! You can't afford not to take them. Two in twenty four hours! It's not good for you health. You're suppose to take them after an attack. Otherwise this happens! You know that!" Jesse raised his head. He looked angry.
"Don't tell me what to do. I can look after myself." Oliver looked furious.
"No you can't Jesse! You can't! Okay! It's time for you to exsept that! You can't take care of yourself without the medication." Jesse stood up suddenly and shouldered his way past Oliver to get to the Isle.
"I'm going to sit at the back." He said coldly. He turned to face Maxine, but he swayed slightly and put his hand on her headrest to steady himself. He looked like he was going to pass out his face was so pale. "Maxine, can you come and get me when we get there? Please?" Maxine swallowed. She looked past Jesse to Oliver who was sitting with his hands clenched in his lap. It was better to agree with Jesse right now and get him out of the way before Oliver started hitting something. She nodded.
"Sure." Jesse nodded and then turned and began to make his way to the back of the bus, ignoring everyone's stares. Maxine looked up the front And saw Kit looked at them through the revision mirror.
"Someone should go and explain to Kit." She said softly.
"Who?" Noah asked.
"The bus driver." Noah nodded. Maxine dug her nelbow into his ribs and he yelped.
"Jeez woman!" He said. "I'm going." He stood up and moved to the front of the bus, resting his hand in the headrest of Kits chair. Maxine could hear them talking softly. Oliver had his head in his hands and Maixne saw Jesse's phone on the seat beside him. She reached across Oliver and picked it up before standing up and heading to the back of the bus. She found Jesse right at the very back, resting his head on the seat in from tod him.
"Hey." She said. He lifted his head and she held out his phone to him. "Listen to music. It'll distract you." Jesse gave her a weak smile and took the phone from her. "Thanks Max." He said. Maxine blinked.
"That's the first time you called me Max." Jesse smirked.
"Well don't get used to it. Cause it won't be happening again." He put his headphones in and closed his eyes. Maxine smiled to hers,elf and went back to her seat.

When they arrive at the constant house, Oliver and Noah disappeared ahead of them, leaving Maxine to deal with Jesse. That made her annoyed at them. Jesse was exhausted from the 'attack' though Maxine was still trying to work out what sort of attack it was and he could barley walk straight. After watching him stumble into six different seats and trip over his own feet at least three times, Maxine slipped his arm around her shoulders and took his weight.
"Lean on me." She said, helping him down the steps. Jesse went red and tried to pull away.
"Maxine." He whispered.
"Jesse." She whispered back.
"Let go." Jesse said, sounding annoyed. Maxine rolled her eyes.
"Well, unless you want to fall on your face then sure, I'll let go."
"I'm fine." Jesse insisted. Maxine shrugged.
" Okay." She let go of his shoulders and if on cure, his right leg gave out and he almost went head first down the stairs. Maxine grabbed onto him, keeping him upright.
"Yeah." She said sarcastically. "You're just fine." Jesse smiled at her sheepishly.
"Thanks." He said and Maxine could tell it took him effort to say it. She smiled and ruffled his hair. He squaked and ducked his head out of her reach.
"Don't touch the hair." He grumbled. Maxine smiled again and shook her head.
"Come on you dork." She said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders again. "Let's get you inside."

Thankfully, Oliver and Noah met up with them at the trailer and Noah took over from Maxine, taking Jesse's weight onto him. Maxine sighed in relief and rolled her shoulders, her neck cracking. Oliver lifted her suitcase down along with Jesse's, Noah's and his own and then the four of them made their way towards the contestant house.

The contestant house reminded Maxine a lot of her own house which she wasn't sure if it was good a good thing or not. There were huge palm trees longing the driveway, a huge set of marble stair cases leading up to the huge set of double doors. Maxine didn't think it would be this big, but then she remembered how many of them had gotten through to the second round.
Slowly, she followed the boys up the stairs and joined the huge line of people streaming in through the double doors. They were all directed into a huge hall where they were put into dormirtys. Everything was happening so far Maxine was in a daze. She looked down at the sheet of paper in her hand, looking at the names of the girls in her dormirty.
Ella Dame
Juliet Albright
Holly Moore
Dally Winston
Maxine Waters.

She was still looking at the sheet when Oliver touched her arm.
"We're gonna take Jesse up to his dorm. The poor guy can barely stand." Maxine looked across at Jesse. He looked worse. His head was down and Noah was having trouble holding him up. Maxine had no idea where to find her own dorm, but that had nothing to do with Oliver, he had enough to worry about.
"Okay." She said. "Good luck." Oliver flashed her a smile and gave her a half hug before he and Noah disappeared with Jesse. Maxine was still standing in the middle of the croud when someone grabbed onto her arm.
"Hey." A voice said in her ear. " we're in the same dorm!" Maxine turned around. Holly stood behind her, her short blond hair curled and her eyes bright and existed. Of course! Holly Moore!
"Holly!" Maxine said smiling.
"Come on." Holly said, linking her arm through Maxine's. "Let go and find our dorm. It's too crouded in here."


I wonder what's wrong with Jesse? Hmmm,.... Hehehe

Don't forget to comment and vote for me guys! I love you lots!

QOTC: What's you favourite book ever off Wattpad?

AOTC: Mines The Nature of Jade.
Lots of love
Locket44 aka Jaymie xxx

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