Chapter Eighteen: You're like a dog with a bone. You just won't let it go

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"I don't talk to ugly girls because I believe they don't exsist."
                                     - Casper Lee

Not edited guys, I know it's annoying, but I plan to edit when the story's finished. It's just easier for me. But enjoy!

Chapter Eighteen: You're like a dog with a bone. You just won't let it go

When Maxine woke up the next morning, the sun was streaming through the curtains which were open wide. She blinked a few times before raising herself up on her elbow and looking over at Holly and Juliets beds. They were both empty. With a sigh, she kicked the covers off and climbed out of bed, rubbing her hands over her face.
After splashing her face with water, she pulled on a pair of shorts and a singlet and then made her way slowly down stairs. She could hear some music playing by the time she reached the common room, laughter and talking floated up to her. At the top of the stairs, she paused, running her fingers through her hair and taking a deep breath. Then she plastered a smile on her face and bounded down the stairs.
When she came round the corner into the common room, Holly and Oliver were sitting on the couch together. There was a little boy sitting between them, playing with Oliver's guitar pick.
"Morning Max." Oliver said, smiling at her over Holly's head who was bent over talking to the little boy.
"Morning." Maxine replied. She nodded her head towards the little boy. "Who's that?"
"This is Wren." Said Oliver. "Ambers nephew." Holly looked up then. Wren had his hand wrapped around her little finger and was smiling up at her, gurgling away like they were having a conversation together. Holly smiled up at Maxine as she lifted Wren into her lap, gigging him up and down on her lap.
"Come say hello Max?" She asked. She was jigging Wren up and down on her lap, holding onto him tightly so he wouldn't drop off her lap. Maxine chucked her bag to Oliver and went over to the couch. She sat down beside Holly and smiled at Wren who stared up at her for a couple of seconds before smiling up at her and holding out his hand.
"He likes you." Holly said smiling. Maxine laughed and held out her finger for him to take. Wren wrapped his fingers around her little finger and giggled as he shook it. Holly laughed and nuzzled her face into his baby curls.
"Do you like babies Holls?" Maxine asked. Holly's knees stopped bouncing and she shoulders stiffened for a second. But then she relaxed and drew back from Wren to smile at Maxine.
"Yes." She said smiling. "I love them."
"You're very good with him." Said Maxine smiling down at the baby boy who has now leaned back against Holly with dropping eyelids.
"I'm gonna put him to bed." Holly said standing up.
"Are you right with him?" Maxine asked. Holly smiled at her over her shoulder.
"Trust me." She said, holding Wren close against her body. "I know what I'm doing." Maxine shrugged.
"If you say so."

Maxine was down by the pool reading when someone sat down on the beach chair beside her. Pulling out her headphones and pushing her sunglasses to the top of her head, she send Noah a smile. He didn't smile back. Maxine frowned.
"What's wrong?" She asked, putting her hand on his arm. Noah sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Noah." Maxine said, shaking him slightly. "What's wrong? Tell me what happened?"
"Jesse happened." Noah said shortly, his shoulders tightening with sudden anger. Maxine felt her confidence droop.
"What did he do? What went wrong?" Noah shook his head, sighing loudly.
"We don't know! He won't tell us. But he came in last night completely waisted, God knows where the hell he got it from, but he came home drunk off his ass and making any sense. So we got him into bed and he was still asleep when we left the dorm this morning. But Oliver went up about an hour ago now to get him up so we could run over the song again in the studio. But then Oliverrang me about half an hour ago to say that Jesse had locked himself in the bathroom and he couldn't get him to come out. So I went up there and Olover was talking to him through the door, well more like talking at him cause it was a one sided conversation. He's still in there now, but I've given up. I'm so done with his bullcrap." Noah rubbed his hands over his face and dropped his head into his hands. Maxine rubbed her hand over his back, trying to sooth him. Then she put her book on the table beside her chair and stood up. Noah raised his head to look at her.
"Where are you going?" He asked. Maxine sighed.
"Going  to talk to Jesse." She responded, heading towards the door.
"You won't get through to him!" Noah called after her.
"Just watch me." Maxine replied darkly. She went inside and up the stairs to the boys dormitory. Oliver was just coming out when she reached their door. He blinked when he saw her, sliding the key to the door into his pocket. Maxine held out her hand.
"Give me the key." She said. Like his brother, Oliver blinked at her for a moment.
"What do you want it for?"

"I'm going to talk to Jesse." Maxine replied.

"He won't listen to you." Oliver said.

"I don't care." Maxine answered. "Now. Give me the key." Without a word, Oliver dropped the key into her hand.
"Good luck." He said. "You'll need it." Maxine simply shrugged. She was tired of Jesse's ways. She was tired of his attitude and his coldness. She was tired of always being the victim of his petty outbursts and tantrums. She understood that he'd had a hard life, but that was not a good enough reason to treat everyone else like crap. She slid the key into the lock and entered the boys dorm,

It was your typical boy room, beds unmade, clothes thrown everywhere, shoes lying on the floor by the door, old chocolate wrappers littering the sofa. Maxine picked her way through the mess to the closed bathroom door. She knocked on it twice with her fist.
"Go away Oliver." Came Jesse's voice, husky and quiet. He sounded broken, like he'd lost something he couldn't replace. Maxine knocked on the door again. "I said go away Oliver." Jesse said, his irritation rising. Maixne smirked. That was exsactly what she wanted. She knocked again, louder this time. "For God sake!" Jesse yells, yanking the door open. "I said..Maxine?" Maxine smiled at him.
"That's my name." Jesse's eyes turned cold.
"What do you want?" He asked harshly.
"You need to come out." Maxine replied.
"I don't want to." Jesse answered. He went to shut the door on her, but Maxine stuck out her foot and stopped him.
"Well tough." She said. "Get over yourself and come out." There was a stretch of silence for a coupe, of seconds and then the sound of a lock unlocking and the door opened again a crack. Jesse looked out at her, his eye brows raised. Maxine simply crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.
"That's not coming out Jesse." She said, sighing. "That's staring at me through the crack in the door." Jesse rolled his eyes and opened the door further.
"What do you want Maxine?"
"I want you to come out." Jesse scowled.
"I'm not coming out."
"Jesse you're behaving like a child." Maxine hissed. She was angry now. "Oliver and Noah are down there waiting for you to go down and run over the song for them. We all performing again in five hours and we all need as much time as we can get in that studio. And you are holding everyone else up, including me." Jesse simply raised his eyebrows at her and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Then why ain't you down there now." Maxine threw her hands up in the air. "Because I care!" Jesse scowled.
"Well you shouldn't."
"I now I shouldn't! I shouldn't even be talking to you rig now cause of how you treated me yesterday! But I care about you and Noah and Oliver and I don't want to see you three get kicked off tonight! You are one selfish person Jesse Cole that's all I can say, but Oliver and Noah don't deserve to be kicked off the show because you're acting like a wuss and not pulling your weight. You need to wake up and stop thinking about yourself for once!" Maxine let out a long breath, stepping back and running a hand through her hair. She looked up at Jesse to find him staring at her, his mouth half open. "I'm sorry, I-" but suddenly, Jesse took her face in his hands, pinning her back against the wall. Maxine gasped as he caged her in his arm. His forehead rested against hers and he was breath heavily. When she looked into his eyes they were so intense she blinked.
"Jesse." She murmured.
"Shh." He whispered, raising one have to cup her face. Maxine shivered as he ran his thumb over her lower lip.
"Jesse." She said again. "Jesse, you have to go down stairs." Jesse closed his eyes. His thumb moved over her lower lip again. When he opened his eyes again, he tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear.
"Maxine?" He murmured, his hot breath fanning across her lips.
"Yes?" She whispered, trying to calm the beating over her heart.
"Can I kiss you?"


I'm sorry, I had to! What's gonna happen, what's gonna happen!!!

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update, I've had really bad writers block! But hopefully you all like this chapter!
Now, guys. So I was wondering, would you be interested if I did a Q&A? If you are, then make sure you post some questions you would like me to answer either comment them or DM me! I think it'd be fun!

Anyway! Enjoy want you're doing at the moment, but if its school or homework then send you my sympathyse. But if you're like me and you're on holidays, then let's party!
But make sure you comment and vote and let's get to 1k! Come on Guys! We're so close!
Love you all!
Lots of love
Locket44 aka Jayme

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