Chapter Eight: "Hey are you free tomorrow? No, I'm expensive. Sorry."

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Greetings everyone!!!
How's life treating you all? Good? Bad? So so? I'm GREAT at the moment!!! We had a Public holiday last Monday!!! In Aussie land anywhere. Bliss. It's our way of remembering the ANZACs. The solders from World War One chapter here for you! Enjoy. Oh, and also, That's Oliver on the the side---> Thomas Brodie Sangsters!! (FANGIRL SCREAM!!!)


Chapter Eight: Are you free tomorrow? No, I'm expensive, sorry.

When Maxine, Oliveer, Jesse and Noah finely got out of the auditorium, it was well passed three o'clock. They'd been there for over four hours. The sun was bright and hurt Maxine's eyes. She glanced around her for a couple of seconds and spotted Dylan's limo over by the far end of the car park. She started towards it and then faulted slightly. There were girls completely sorounding it. She almost couldn't see Dylan in the sea of people and almost disided against going over there. And then Oliver grabbed her arm.
"Oh my god!" He said, his eyes wide. "Is that Dylan Waters?" Both Jesse and Noah whipped their heads towards him.
"What did you say?" Noah asked, moving round to Maxine's other side.
""Dude, I think you've been inside too long." Jesse added, taking hold of Oliver's arm, "the suns playing tricks on you." But Oliver wouldn't move. He continued to stare over at the car and Jesse eventually gave up trying to pull him away. He looks absolutely awe struck.
"Oliver's in love with Dylan Waters." Noah murmured in Maxine's ear. "Just in case you didn't notice." Oliver scowled and pulled his eyes away from the car.
"I'm not in love with him Noah." He said, rolling his eyes at Maxine. "I just really like his acting style. And Finick's my favourite character from the Hunger Games and he'd do an ace job at it!" Over his shoulder, Maxine saw both Jesse and Noah roll their eyes at each other. Maxine smirked to herself. They were in for a suprise.
"Would you like to meet him?" She asked, moving her eyes back to Oliver. "He'd love to meet you. He doesn't see many male fans." Oliver eyes popped.
"You know him?" He asked, his eyes almost falling out of his head. "You actually know him?"
"She never said that Oliver." Jesse said, sighing. "Of course she wouldn't know him! He wouldn't.."
"I do know him." Maxine said, cutting him off. "He's my brother."

A shocked silence settled over the three boys. They all looked shell shocked. Jesse shut up straight away, Noah turned his head to look at her so fast she was suprise he didn't crack his neck and Oliver's mouth opened and closed like a gold fish.
"You're Dylan Waters' sister?" They all said together.
"That was terrifing." Maxine said, laughing. "But yes, Dylan Waters is my brother. Unfortunaly. Now." She turned back to Oliver who was looking like someone had just handed him the world on a golden platter. "Would you like to meet him or not. He's not gonna be there for ever you know." Oliver nodded eagally. He seemed un able to speak.
"But what's he doing here?" Jesse asked as the four of them began to walk across the parking lot. "Doesn't he have in interview he needs to get to regarding his newest movie?"
"He had one this morning." Maxine answered as they reached the end of the huge croud. "And he's here to pick me up. Why else would my brother who just so happens to me a famous film star, be parked outside the X Factor Auditions?" Jesse didn't answer. He just shook his head. Maxine took hold of Oliver's elbow and began to elbow her way through the croud of girls, who were all forming a long line that ended at the front seat of Dylan's car where he was sitting, sighting autographs and poising for photos.
"Hey bitch." A girl said, grabbing onto Maxine's arm. "There's a line. We've been waiting here for over two hours. Wait your turn." Maxine simply looked at her.
"Let to of me." She said, trying to pull her arm free.
"Wait your turn." Th girl repsonded, tighting her hold.
"Maxine!" Came a shout from up the front and Dylan appeared in front of them. The girl went pale, but didn't release Maxine's arm. Dylan narrowed his eyes at the girl, raising his eye brows.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"She needs to wait in line." The girl replied, though Maxine could see she was going to pass out at any moment. "She can't just push in."
"Well, considering if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here, I'm guessing she can do what she wants."
"You were waiting for her?" The girl gapped.
"Well yeah." Dylan said, getting impatient. "She's my sister." The girls mouth dropped open in shock, as equally suprised as the boys had been. Quite a bomb shell to drop Maxine supposed.
"How did it go baby sis?" Dylan asked, wrapping his arm around Maxine shoulders.
"I got in." Maxine began, but Dylan cut her off again.
"That's great! See! What did I tell you! Max I'm so proud of you!" He shot the other a girl a tight smile as he began to pull Maxine towards the front of the line. Not that there was a line anymore,more like a cluster. "You should see the movies I have lined up for tonight! The Maze Runner, Avatare, The Avangers, City of Bone.."
"Dylan!" Maxine said, cutting him off as they reached the car. "Before we go, I have someone who would like to meet you." Dylan frowned at her, but nodded. Maxine looked behind her and then grabbed Oliver's arm, pulling him forward.
"This is Oliver James. He was the one who gave me the flyer. If it wasn't for him, I probably would still be in Melbourn with Mum and Dad." Dylan turned around and smile at Oliver who grinned back. Dylan offered him his hand and they did the whole bro hug thing.
"How you going man?" Dylan asked, clapping him in the shoulder.
"I'm great mate." Oliver responded, grinning widely. Maxine shook her head and smiled or herself before moving past the two of them and going to stand beside Jesse and Noah.
"So." Noah asked, moving his eyes from his brother and Dylan to Maxine. "What's it like being the sister of a famous film star?" Maxine shrugged and crossed her arms over her chest.
"It's normal I guess. No one really knows who I am."
"Why?" Jesse asked, sitting down on the curb at the side of the road. Maxine shrugged again.
"My parents have always kept me out of that side of the spot light."
"That side?" Noah asked. Maxine nodded and sat down beside Jesse.
"Yeah. I'm the heiress to the Myer stores." Noah's eyes widened and Jesse raised his eyebrows.
"You're what?" Jesse asked.
"You heard me." Maxine answered, not at all keen on the idea of repeating herself. "My parents, or my father I should say is bent on getting me into the fashion business. Originally it would have been passed down to Dylan, but after he hit the Hollywood stage, my parents thought it was better to get him to follow his dream and work where his talents lay." Jesse frowned.
"That's not fair."
"That's life." Maxine responded. She looked over at Oliver and her brother and saw Dylan signalling to her. "I've got to go guys, I'll see you soon." Jesse nodded and Noah gave her a wave as she began to push her way through the croud again. As she passed Oilver, he reached out and grabbed her arm.
"Hey Max?" He said, bringing her to a haunt. "Thanks." She smiled at him.
"No, thank you."
"Are you free tomorrow?" Oliver asked as Dylan's body gaurd began to push his way through the croud towards them.
"No, I'm expensive. Sorry" Maxine responded. Oliver frowned and Maixne laughed, hitting his arm.
"I'm free idiot." Oliver gave her a annoyed smile and Maxine just laughed again. The horn hooted and she looked over her shoulder to see Dylan signalling to her. She smiled at the three boys in front of her.
"Well, give me your number and contact me when you want to hang out." She said, holding out her hand. Oliver gave her his number as did Noah, though Jesse wasn't paying attention any more. They handed Maxine her phone back and she turned to her heel, pushing her way through the croud to get to her brother. Marcus opened the door for her and she swung herself into the back seat. When Marcus shut her door and climbed into his own, those began moving almost straight away. Dylan had his window down and was waving and grinning at all his fans, calling out comments and laughing. Oliver and Noah were standing at the edge of the croud, waving. Jesse was on his phone, one hand shoved into his pocket. Noah nudged him and said something and he looked up, making eye contact wiht Maxine through the car window as it turned the corner and the car park and all the fans disappeared from sight. Dylan put up his window and flopped back in his seat, sighing loudly.
"Remind me why we did that again?" He said of Marcus.

Two house later, Maxine was sprawled out across the couch watching Modern Family. Her phone was lying to the coffee table beside her. She was just about to start the next episode, when her phone started jumping and leaping around like it had a life of its own. With a grunt, Maxine reached out and picked it up. Jena's name was flashing on the screen. Skyp call!
Maxine sat up and exspeted the call, her face bracking out into a huge smile when both Jena and Racheal appeared on the screen.
"Maxy!" They screamed, loud enough to wake the dead.
"Jem Jen! Raffles!!" Maxine screamed back. They all broke down into hesterical laughter.
"Maxine!" Dylan growned from the other couch. Maxine held up a finger to her friends and looked over at her brother who had his arm thrown over his face.
"Yes brother dear?"
"Take your annoying friends up stairs! Some of us are tired and trying to sleep."
"Okay." Maxine said, hopping off the couch, she walked down the hall way to the small staircase and up the stairs. When she reached her room, she closed the door and then dove onto her bed, swinging the phone round in front of her.
"Did you get in?" Racheal asked, resting her chin against Jena's shoulder. Jena looked at her friend, confused.
"What do you mean get in? What do you have to get into?" Racheal frowned.
"You didn't tell her!" She shreaked, so loudly Jena clapped a hand over her ear and Maxine lent away from the phone.
"Tell me what?" Jena demanded, rubbing her ear gingerly.
"Maxine auditioned for the X Factor!" Racheal yelled. She whipped her head back around towards the camera so Maxine could see her. "Did you get in?"
"You what!" Jena shrieked, her eyes wide. "You auditioned for the X Factor? Well? What happened? Did you get in?"
"I got through to the live auditions." Maxine answered, grinning at both of them shyly.
"OH MY GOD MAXY!!!" Racheal squealed, leaping around so much she fell off the bed. She vanished from the screen, leaving Jena alone with her mouth hanging open.
"Max, I'm so proud of you!" Jena gushed, her face braking out into a huge smile. "How was it?"
"It was terrifing." Maxine answered. "But the boys went first and once they performed, I felt a little better."
"The boys?" Racheal asked, making a reappearance on the screen.
"Yeah." Maxine said slowly. Both girls lent forward eagerly.
"What are they're names?" Jena asked.
" Jesse, Oliver and Noah."
"Are they hot?" Before Maxine could answer, Dylan's voice came up the stairs.
"What!" Maxine yelled back.
"Pizzas here! The movie starts in five! Get down here!" Maxine sighed.
"I gotta to guys. Dylan's getting impatent." Jena nodded.
"You go an bond with you big bro Max." She said. "Well talk to you later." Maxine nodded.
"?I love you guys!"
"Love you two Max!"
"Maxine!" Dylan yelled.
"Coming!" Maxine yelled back. "Bye guys!"
"Bye Max!"

By the time Maxine got down to the living room, Dylan was sitting on the couch with his pizza on the coffee table in front of him. Maxine sat down next to him on the couch and pulled her legs up under her.
"Took you long enough." Dylan said.
"Sorry." Maxine answered. Dylan smiled at her and wrapped his arm around her.
"You know I'm so proud of you for today Max." He said, hugging her closely. "Mum would be to if she was in on it. You do know what right?" Maxine nodded and lent her head agains the brothers shoulder.
"I know. It's dad I worry about." Dylan squeezed her shoulder as the movie began to play.
"Don't worry about him. He just thinks he knows everything. You can't let him rule your life Max. Don't let him control you." Maxine nodded and snuggled closer to him.
"Love you big bro." Dylan kissed the top of her head gently as switched off the over head lamp so they could watch the movie in the dark.
"I love you to baby sis."


Hey guys!!!!
We've nearly reached four hundred reads!!! Yay!!!!
Dedicated to the first person the commert on last chapter. You know who you are. I it's don't want to get your user name wrong again.☺️ sorry about that by the way.



and to all you shiftys out there, please send a happy thought to Taylor Swift and her mother who had just been diagnosed with terminal breasts cancer.
Be kind to everyone around you and love life!
Lots of love
Over and out

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