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Ooooo!! An update!!!

Sorry, not a chapter unfortunately, but an annocment. I've just published my second book which I am extremely exsited about. It's called Through the eyes of a Seeker. If you guys could cheak it out, that would be incredible!! I'm very proud of this book and I've spent an entire year working on it. That might not seem long, but to me, it felt like a life time. I used to write it in maths class, I was up until all hours of the morning writing it.
If you guys could go cheak it out and let me know what you think, that would be amazing!!! The blurb is down below.

Have you ever had a nightmare?
You know, those terrible dreams when you feel more alone then ever before. Where you feel like you can't run, you can't hide, where no one can save you from the terrible darkness. But maybe you're not alone. Maybe there is someone there. Someone who is willing to lay down their life for yours so that you may never learn of the hands that reach for you as you sleep.
Gale Highmoore was a normal girl. Normal family. Normal life. Well, almost. When she gets whisked back in time and gets taken in by a family of Dreamhunters, a race of people who hunt nightmares, her world is turned upside down. She learns of things she had never heard of, of dangers she had never thought to look out for. And she learns things about her self that she would never have known. As she begins to explore the world of the Dreamhunters and what they fight for, she begins to slowly relise that maybe the world isn't all as it seems

Make sure you cheak it out, vote comment, share, spread the love. It would me the worl to me!!! Thank you so much.

Lots of love


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