Chapter Twenty Six: Please stop acting like I'm the new Taylor Swift

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"No matter what your pace, forward is forward."


Chapter Twenty Six: Please stop acting like I'm the new Taylor Swift

A week after the meet and greet, the  X-Factor contestants were ready to perform again. As they were nearing the end of the compition, the compition among the contestants was slowly rising higher and higher. Maxine was finding it hard to get her time in the studio in before people began demanding that she get out and give them their go. James and Holly were hardly around any more, constantly practicing in aim to get their song for this weeks performance as perfect as they possibly could. Heartbeat had been spending a lot of time with their couch, getting everything they could ready for the next performance. With only nine groups left in the show, the compition was getting nasty. Maxine had been working hard with Dani and Emma in the studio, working hard to get the song for this weeks performance right. It was taking a lot more out of her then she expected.

   Maxine was in the dressing room getting her dress fitted for the performance that evening when Jesse appeared in the doorway.

"Maxine." He called from the doorway. Maxine turned around to face him and smiled at him.

"Hey Jess." She said, as he came into the room. His eyes swept over her body as he took her hand, his eyes wide.

"You look beautiful." He said, his eyes shining brightly. Maxine smiled and squeezed his hand.

"Thank you Jess." He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed her knuckles, holding her with his eyes. Maxine's heart jump up into her throat and tingles ran up her arm. Ever since she and Jesse had been together, her feelings for him had been growing stronger every day. Every time she saw him, her heart hammered against her ribcage and she couldn't keep the smile off her face. He made her feel safe and happy whenever he was around her and when he would pass her in the hallway and send her a smile when they couldn't stop to talk, or when they sat together at dinner, he always had his hand on her knee under the table, or when they were sitting at the bomb fire together with the other contestants, Maxine would always be sitting between his legs leaning back against his chest, her fingers intwined with his where they lay on her stomach. She knew she more then just liked him, but Maxine had never been a full believer in love. After watching her parents love life fall apart, she didn't trust the word or the stories behind it.
Holly had noticed the change in her and had accused her of being love sick, but maxine had simply brushed her off. but now she was wondering if Holly had accurately accused her.

"Amber wants us down in the dining room." Jesse said now, breaking through her wall of thoughts. Maxine blinked and realised he was holding out a hand to help her down off the stool. Maxine took it and let him lift her down. The dress fitter knodded her head a few times before holding out her hand.

"Okay Maxine, I think that's the final touches done. It's all ready for tonight." Maxine smiled.

"Thanks Elsa." Elsa nodded her head.

"You're very welcome. Now go change so I can do the finishing touches."

As soon as Maxine was dressed again, she and Jesse made their way to the dining room. Half way there, Jesse reached out and hooked his pinki round Maxines, so their clasped hands swung in between them. Maxine smiled at him and Jesse smiled back, lifting her hand up to his lips so he could kiss her knuckles.

"Maxine. . ." He began, but Oscar appeared in the doorway, scowling.

"Hurry up will you! We're all waiting on you two!" Jesse cursed under his breath and glared at him, but Maxine squeezed his hand tightly and he relaxed, though he still didn't look happy. Oscar smirked and then disappeared into the door, Maxine following him, pulling Jesse along behind her. They joined the rest of the contestants and turned to listen to Amber who was standing up the front with her clip board in her hand. The first thing Maxine noticed was that she didn't look happy. She kept shooting glares over her shoulder at the producer who was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. Something wasn't right. Maxine reached out and slipped her fingers through Jesse's. He didn't look at her, but he could tell she was anxious. His thumb began to rub circles over her knuckles and she felt herself slowly start to relax. But not for long.

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