Chapter Thirty Three: It all started with an ice chocolate

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"Put on your crown and conquer the world."

             - Unknown


Chapter Thirty Three: It all started with an ice chocolate

Maxine had always hated dress fittings. All her life she'd been forced to go to events that she had no interest in, squeezed into a dress that clearly wasn't her style. Her father had always insisted that she have the latest fashion, even if it didn't compliment her body what so ever.
But now, her father wasn't in charge. Her brother was. Dylan had sent her to his girlfriends fashion designer (the girlfriend which Maxine still had yet to meet) saying that he wanted her "looking as georgious as she can without getting skimpy. I don't want to have to be pulling guys off her all night" before he pushed her into the dressing room, telling her not to come out until she'd found something she liked.

Now, she couldn't have been more happy with him, sitting in the back of a limo, smoothing down the folds of her sky blue gown. It flowed around her like water, swirling around her like a cloud. Her hair was curled in an elaborate patten and her makeup was down expertly Maxine couldn't keep the smile off her face. This was the first of Dylan's premiers that her parents had ever let her attend. Her father had been all about keeping her out of the spot light before the X-Factor, but now? He seemed to be letting her have a bit more leeway. Maxine still wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not, but right then, she didn't care. She sent Dylan a shaky smiled as they pulled up at the red carpet, the flashing of the cameras already glowing through the tinted windows.

"Ready?" He asked, grinning at her. After she nodded and sent him a smile, Maxine took a quick moment to study him, while he was gasping out of the window, jigging his knees up and down. When Dylan was a teenager, even when they were both kids, he'd always been tense, always on edge. He never let Maxine listen to any of their parents arguments and sometimes Maxine would wake up in the middle of the night to the sounds of Dylan and her father, screaming at each other down in the living room or in their father's study. He'd always come back, shaking with anger and slam his bedroom door so hard, Maxine could feel the floor boards shake under her feet from the impact. He was always wired up, ready for a fight. On the rear occasions that she did get him to smile, it never quite reached his eyes.

Now, as the driver opened the door and Dylan turned towards her, his smile did more then reach his eyes. It made his whole face glow. There was a completely different boy sitting in front of her and quite frankly, she liked this one a whole lot better.

"Shall we my fine lady?" Dylan asked, holding out his arm for her to take.

"We shall indeed kind sir." Maxine said, laughing. And together, they stepped out of the car into the sea of paparazzi, but this time Maxine didn't mind. She raised her hand and waved to the cameras, unable to keep the smile off her face. There were people telling her to look up, to look down, to look left, to look right, but she didn't pay any of them any attention. She smiled at whatever camera she felt like as she and Dylan slowly made their way down the red carpet. And if she wasn't in a floor length gown and heels, Maxine probably would have skipped. There were heaps of fans there who wanted to talk to Dylan, screaming his name, holding out their arms and things for him to sign. Maxine was standing on the side, smiling, waiting for him to finish when she heard her name being called.

"Maxine! Maxine over here!" She turned around in the direction of the voice and saw three girls on the other side of the red carpet. They were holding a poster out to her, huge smiles on their faces. Feeling stunned, Maxine walked over to them.

"Hello." She said, smiling at them. The girls gazed at her in shock before one of them started hyperventilating.

"Oh my god!" She squealed. "I love you so much! I can't believe you actually came over to talk to us!"  She pressed a hand to her mouth, her eyes filling with tears.

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