- ...So... -

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So I think I've had this book up for more or less a year now and yeah I like reading other peoples' works too (okay maybe "like" is an understatement I ̶p̶r̶o̶c̶r̶a̶s̶t̶i̶n̶a̶t̶e̶ keep myself sane by having so many peoples' works saved on my phone like I love you all

Like my reading taste's a lot more diverse than my writing but I still read some works similar to mine because even though I enjoy writing little Harry, I still love reading about it more (in case you haven't picked up on it I'm kind of a bookworm irl too). 

And as someone who writes a lot (not just fics or stuff, I have a personal blog too hehe) I understand it's kinda difficult to come up with new material, which is why I constantly asked for prompts when I was still actively writing for this... And I'd understand if I'd probably have the same storyline / plot idea / content somehow / idk as different people who're working on different books / stories because hey with millions of people in the world it's kind of hard to have a unique idea and I know some people send the same prompts to different writers (I understand that lol I do that too so no hate hehe x) so yeah... 

But idk I came across one work yesterday and I was really enjoying it tbh. Then I started reading and yeah there were a lot of new plots but I couldn't help but notice that some were way too similar to some of my chapters here :c Like, same plot flow, same gist of the story, basically almost just worded differently and maybe an additional one or two minor details here and there :( I let it go at first because it was just 1 or 2 at the beginning but then I continued on to the latter chapters and yeah.

I would've understood if they were prompts too, but I'm assuming they're not because some chapters in that work stated that they were prompts, but the ones so similar to mine just directly started on the story...

But then I was like, 'maybe it's just a great minds think alike' kind of thing? But then I looked at the comments and I'm sorry but the earliest comments were from 2 - 3 months ago and I had my chapters up for so much longer :(

Okay so what I'm basically trying to say is... wah I'm sorry if this is gonna sound rude or something, idk if it's rude I don't consider myself an assertive person so I really don't know haha

Please please please please pleaaaaase 

i know they say imitation's the best kind of flattery but I find it sad?? :(

Like I spend so much time writing my one shots / chaptered stuff, I don't do them in one sitting like I constantly leave and go back to them when I have fresh ideas, I stare blankly at word documents when I get frustrated because of writers' block, I walked aimlessly around a hotel lobby before to find good wifi signal so I can post a chapter i even stayed up 'til 4am one time to finish one prompt because I promised you guys I'd upload another one that same day. So idk it kind of hurts? to see someone get credit for something you did?? So please don't be one of those people :c

I mean I don't think I'm the only one who feels this way, right? I try my best to avoid making carbon copies of other people's works, or if I happen to have found inspiration through other people I put credit because I know how it feels...

but if it was just by some happy accident a "great minds think alike" kind of thing I'm sorry for assuming hehe :c :) 

Love you guys, thank you so much for your support, I mean it <3 It puts a smile on my face whenever I go on wattpad and see even just one more vote on a chapter, thank you so much :) I know I'm kind of on hiatus now but yeah I won't let this book die anymore, when I find time, I'll write if I can :)

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