Naughty Corner (Lirry and Narry)

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PROMPT: Someone forgot to put Harry in a diaper for bed (Harry was asleep by the time he was being dressed so he wasn’t able to remind the person), he wakes up because he wet the bed, gets upset and someone eventually goes to check on him?? It'd be nice if you could come up with a way so Harry wouldn't be able to leave his bed. Have you heard of alternate height fics? Oh! And maybe some slipping into a little headspace a bit? Sorry if it's too much x

Harry was happily dreaming about his favorite actors and tv shows when his deep slumber was disturbed. Harry awoke but his eyes remained closed, he had a frown evident on his face, wondering what woke him up. He rubbed his eyes for a bit when he felt it, something he hadn’t felt in the last two years—his pajamas and sheets were soaking wet. Harry was so confused at first until he finally noticed that he didn’t have a diaper on. Harry didn’t know what to do, he was in his own room and whoever put him to bed also put the railings up 2 feet high and locked them in place. Ever since last month the boys got a railing installed to the side of Harry's bed since he kept on falling off at night. He thought about climbing over them for a second but he just remembered how clumsy he was and what happened the last time he tried to do that, and immediately backed out.

Harry just sat there for a moment, contemplating on what to do. He was just glad the nightlight was still on or else he'd be crying out of fear by now. Things couldn’t have gone any worse, at least until he felt a twinge in his bladder. His efforts of holding it in were futile as around 10 minutes later he basically had a full blown accident. Harry whimpered and brought his bear closer to his chest, practically the only dry thing aside from his shirt that he had at the moment. Harry looked around and saw the clock on the bedside table, luckily it was just 11pm, meaning in about half an hour Liam would barge in and check on Harry before he himself goes to bed.

Harry waited on, his accident getting more and more uncomfortable by the minute. He wanted to cry a bit because it was hurting in some parts but he tried to hold back the tears.

Not a moment too soon, Harry heard the door creaking open and he immediately stood up on his bed, leaning on the railings.

“Daddy?” Harry called.

“Why’re you still up?” Liam frowned, usually Harry would be sound asleep by now. Liam wasn’t sure but he could faintly smell pee so he walked over to Harry and turned on all the lights. When he got to Harry’s bed he saw the problem.

“Oh pumpkin,” Liam said in a worried tone. “Didn’t your papa Niall put you in a nappy?” Liam knew something was up when Harry instantly switched to his head space and called him ‘daddy’ the moment he opened the door. Usually Harry only switches to his headspace when he’s really upset about something.

“No..?” Harry mumbled in a questioning tone, since he didn’t really know who changed him.

“Why didn’t you just go down and call daddy?” Liam asked as he picked Harry up. Harry winced a bit, probably from the rash forming in between his legs. “You know I’m still up around this time…”

“I couldn’t go down.” Harry said, and Liam finally remembered what happened last time Harry tried to climb down the railing.

“Let’s just get you a nice bath, okay?” Liam sighed.

“Daddy?” Harry mumbled.

“Yes?” Liam asked as he carried Harry into the bathroom.

“I had an askident while I was awake too… I tried to hold it but I really had to go weewee… I’m sorry… am I in trouble?” Harry asked, frowning up at the older lad. It’s been a while since Harry wet his clothes so he didn’t really remember what happened when he did.

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