What a Ride

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Hellooo! I know I promised ages ago that I'd update, so I'm really sorry this took so long :(
Things have been difficult for me these past few weeks and I just couldn't bring myself to be productive I'm sorry :(
I'm feeling a bit better now though. I don't have a "new" story yet but I wanted to post one as soon as possible, so I decided to just share with you guys something I wrote a year or two ago :) Just made necessary changes hahaha


The boys of One Direction were set to have a photoshoot in a small theme park in town. Small enough that they easily got the owners to agree to let the boys and their team have the park to themselves for the entire day (the owner thought it'd be good publicity for them too). To make things quicker for them all--since they wanted to go on the rides afterwards too, they separated into groups for the solo shots, and would meet up later on for the group shots. The group shots were dynamic, sometimes having all Harry, Liam, Niall, and Louis together, sometimes just one of them with the band--you get the entire picture!

Of course given that they were in a theme park, it would've been ridiculous for them not to maximize the rides for their shoot, so naturally a lot of the shots were set on the rides.

"How about one on a roller coaster?" One of the photographers with Harry suggested. They were still in their own groups and Harry was currently with Josh and the rest of the band. Harry looked uneasy, but he kept quiet no one noticed.

"That sounds fine." Tim said, the head for the photoshoot. "We'll do one with the rollercoaster, alright Josh since you're the last." Sandy, Dan and Jon already had their photos with Harry, so Josh was the only one left. Josh nodded and wrapped a shoulder playfully around Harry as they walked up the rollercoaster.

Harry was in front of Josh, so he sat down first, he tried to put on a brave face and it was  surprisingly convincing. "Josh I don't know how this goes..." Harry shyly frowned at the seatbelts.

"Here, let me help you." Josh smiled and crouched down to buckle Harry up. 

The crew started taking photos here, loving how adorable this just looked. The crew absolutely loved this photo where Josh was crouching down in front of Harry right after fixing the seatbelt, he was looking up at Harry probably asking if it was too tight or loose, and Harry was giving this small smile. Josh sat down beside Harry and buckled himself up, the crew decided to take photos now since probably after the ride their hair would already be messed up. Harry was relieved then, thinking they could skip the ride. The camera clicked away, and with the last click Harry was about to speak up, but the ride was already moving.

"J-J-Josh..?" Harry stuttered as the roller coaster moved up.

"Yeah?" Josh looked at Harry, a bit concerned as to how Harry sounded.

"I'm... I'm scared of roller coasters." He said, tears in his eyes... Then it hit Josh.

"It's ok, It's going to be over soon, yeah? Just close your eyes, here hold my hand, okay? I won't let anything happen to you." Josh reached out and held Harry's hand. 

The ride lasted about 4 minutes with Harry crying almost all throughout, and Josh praying the ride would stop soon. The photographers went back to the bus to recharge the cameras and get the film, but Dan, Sandy and Jon were able to pick up on what was happening, though.

"Ah shit." Dan muttered just as he realized Harry and Josh's predicament. They were all worried and just hoped the ride would finish soon.

When the ride came to an end, Josh was relieved, but Harry wasn't. He had an accident halfway through the ride and he only noticed when the ride already stopped. Josh quickly unbuckled himself from the seat and stood up to get a frantic Harry out.

One Direction Age Play and Fluff (Harry Centrics)Where stories live. Discover now