All Okay Part two (Lirry)

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The interview went relatively smooth for the boys and they headed home immediately after; just wanting to have a little R&R. Basically, they all decided to just bum out the rest of the day and binge watch movies they failed to catch when they first went out, since they were buried chest deep in recordings and performances.

Catching Fire – their fourth movie now—was playing on the screen when Harry was dozing in and out; it immediately stopped though and he was wide awake when he felt the way-too-familiar-for-his-liking warm patch growing on the front of his jeans. He would have panicked and cried right there but the rest of the lads were here and he wouldn’t want them to find out; luckily he’d decided to wrap himself in a blanket so he’d be safe unless someone took it from him. Harry thought about simply standing up and excusing himself to go to the bathroom, with the blanket still wrapped around him, but he was too paranoid to do so. He wasn’t sure if he got the sofa wet, and if he did, for sure one of the lads would notice.

“Harry… are you okay?” Liam whispered, looking at one of his best mates in concern. He’d been eyeing Harry for about 10 minutes now and he was pretty sure the lad was tense and had his mind on other things than the movie.

Harry looked at Liam and frowned, he knew he had no other choice if he wanted out unscathed. Harry shook his head lightly and tried to fight back his tears; not only was this utterly humiliating, the fact that he had an accident while he was awake, but it was also extremely uncomfortable. “M’wet.” Harry barely whispered that he wasn’t even sure if Liam heard it, but he did.

Liam looked on with his lips pursed, thinking of a way to get Harry out of this situation. Of course, the other lads already knew what was going on with Harry; Liam had already told them while Harry was getting ready to leave. He only planned on telling Louis but it felt wrong to leave Niall and Zayn in the dark, they wouldn’t say or do anything to hurt Harry, anyway, he was sure of that. But of course, Harry didn’t know that; he wasn’t aware Niall and Zayn knew as well, so Liam had to keep up that façade.

“Louis.” Liam quietly called the lad’s attention; he was on the lazy boy just across Liam. When Liam got Louis’ attention he called him over and the older lad complied. “Can you please pretend to distract Niall and Zayn for a while?” Liam whispered so only Louis could hear. “Harry had a bit of an accident.”

Louis looked at Harry sympathetically before nodding and going over to do what he does best. “Ahh, much better!” He exclaimed when he practically landed himself on top of Niall’s and Zayn’s laps.

“Louiiiiis.” Niall groaned, but Louis gave them a look that said ‘just go along with it,’ and the two immediately shut up. Liam took this opportunity and ushered Harry out and upstairs. Now that Harry and Liam were by themselves, Harry’s tears started to freely fall down. Liam stopped just outside the bathroom and sighed, he pulled Harry into a hug and let him cry it all out first as he rubbed the younger lad’s back.

“We’re going to the doctors first thing tomorrow morning, okay?” Liam gently said once Harry stopped crying. “I’m going to call Paul to set up with one we can trust not to leak out any information, I promise.” He soothed, knowing that was probably one of Harry’s biggest concerns.

“I don’t like going to the doctor.” Harry sadly mumbled into Liam’s chest, not wanting to let go of the comfort. Liam didn’t and still held Harry comfortably close.

“I know Haz, but me and Louis are gonna be right there with you.” He soothed. “Are you okay to get cleaned up now?” Liam asked. Harry pulled away and nodded, wiping at his tear stained cheeks.

“Alright, I’ll put some fresh clothes for you on your bed.” Liam nodded. “I’ll be in my room, I think I’m gonna head to bed soon.” Liam said, but first he’d have to tell Paul and Louis about their little appointment tomorrow morning. “You’re free to sleep in my room if you want to, okay?” He told Harry, giving the lad a comforting smile before walking off, not without making sure Harry was alright first.

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