Separated (Lirry)

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PROMPT:  Could you maybe do one where Harry's still 16 (the others are 20-22) and they have a concert in a different country and when they get to the venue for soundcheck the five of them get mobbed and Liam accidentally let's go of Harry's hand and Harry almost gets trampled on but Paul picks him up and saves him , then after the soundcheck Harry walks off to try and find one of the lads but can't find them so he just sits by the wall crying why he waits , and the boys are searching for him everywhere , until 5sos walk by and find Harry and pick him up and bring him back to the lads and a cut fluffy ending. could harry maybe have a dummy and blankie as well please ?

I’m not gonna mention a country here because I don’t want to cause any disputes… haha
And I changed the mobbing part to during sound check because I couldn’t think of a way to connect mobbing -> Harry getting separated -> sound check -> Harry getting separated again LJL Hope you don’t mind


“So are you all excited for tonight?” Liam asked over the mic, and hundreds of girls just screamed in response making the five lads smile and laugh. They can’t even put into words how much they love their job; it’s better than words, more than a feeling, it didn’t even feel like a job anymore.

Liam was talking over the mic again as Harry scanned the crowd. He can’t believe he was part of a group that was selling out arenas and stadiums all around the world, all thanks to these beautiful girls. Speaking of beautiful girls, his eyes stopped as he spotted one that was sticking out; no, not because she lights up the room like nobody else, but because Harry could have sworn she was trying to open the barricade.

Harry looked at the security and they seem to have noticed nothing. He was about to point her out to Paul, but thought better of it. If he did the girl might get kicked out and he didn’t want one of their fans to get sad. Plus, he figured she won’t be able to open it anyway.

Zayn was just about to sing a note and Niall was about to strum his guitar when they heard screaming from one side of the crowd—the particular area Harry was looking at not long ago. Much to Harry’s surprise, the girl did manage to open the barricade… with others’ help, that is.

“Okay calm down girls, please don’t push one another.” Liam tried to calmly say as the girls furiously tried to go through the opening. Security wasn’t fast enough and soon the girls went rushing through and made a mad dash for the stage.

Harry was planted to the ground, quite shocked at what was going on, until he felt someone take his hand. He looked up and saw that it was Liam.

“Come on Haz.” Liam gently said.

“But the fans--.”

“will be fine.” Liam continued, well, cut Harry off. He was concerned about the girls too but security can handle that, Harry was his main priority right now. He was still tiny and Liam knew Harry still gets a little nervous when people crowd around him. “Come on.” He said, gently tugging at Harry so the younger lad will follow.

Harry was just about to follow Liam when he felt another hand take his free arm.

“HARRY!” A girl with brown hair squealed; the look on her face was of absolute… delight? Triumph? Harry couldn’t tell.

“Hi.” Harry nervously said.

“I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!” The girl cried and basically brought Harry in for a bone crushing hug. Harry looked helplessly at Liam as his bones were being crushed while he hugged the girl back.

“Love you too.” Harry said, which did not make things easier for him because the girl squealed into his ear.

“Okay that’s lovely, darling.” Liam calmly told the girl. “But Harry here needs to go now.” He said as he placed his hands on Harry’s shoulders. The girl reluctantly complied and Liam thanked her before taking Harry’s hand again.

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