What a Plan Part Four

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Dedicating this to @whenhazzametboo and @larryxcuddles I still recognize you guys from way back when I still updated regularly hahaha <3 Love u thank you for the constant support :) 


Back in Louis' flat Harry was sitting on the floor right in front of the sofa with Louis and Emilia on either side of him. Dylan was on the armrest, leaning back onto the wall. They had the television on with the volume on low just so they could have background noise.

"What's so funny, Harry?" Dylan chuckled when he heard the younger lad start to laugh again. Dylan looked at the television to check if it was something funny, but it was just a documentary about armadillos. 

"Shoes have laces!!" Harry laughed as the three looked at him in amusement. They didn't get it but Harry found the thought of shoes needing laces absolutely hilarious for some reason. "It makes a bow on your shoes right?" Harry asked, now relatively calmer but he still had a huge smile on his face and tears in his eyes from laughing so hard.

"Uhhuh..." Emilia nodded, silently urging Harry to continue. She wanted to see where this was going. 

"But you know what else has bows? Gift boxes!!! Laces make shoes look like gift boxes," Harry resumed laughing. "so that means... that means--" Harry couldn't even finish his sentence because he was laughing way too hard.

"That means that feet are technically presents?" Louis continued for him. 

"YES!!!!" Harry exclaimed. The three thought Harry had reached his peak in laughing but Harry immediately proved them wrong. Harry slowly fell sideways, first landing on Louis' lap [still in a fit of laughter] but he immediately rolled over onto the floor and continued his hysterical laughter there, all while clutching his stomach because it was starting to hurt from laughing too much. 

"Well Niall achieved his goal. And at least he's the laughing kind of drunk and not the sassy one." Dylan laughed along with Harry. 

"We need to get him to drink some water." Emilia said to no one in particular. Harry may be cute and happy now, but that would be gone in the morning if he woke up with a hangover. "This is his first time drinking, yeah?" 

"I think so." Louis frowned in response. He didn't really think of the possibility of Harry getting hung over until Emilia mentioned or hinted at it. "I'll go get him some water." Louis said before trying to stand up.

"Noooooo! Louis don't leaaaaave!" Harry interrupted his laughing fit for a few seconds to ask Louis to stay.

"I'm just gonna get you some water, bud." Louis told him with a fond smile. "Emilia's right here with ya. C'mon sit up love." Louis said as he moved closer to Harry so he could help the lad sit up; the floor in his flat couldn't be that comfortable... and clean. When Emilia caught on to what Louis was trying to do she tried to help as much as she could, and they eventually got Harry sitting back right beside her. 

"You alright?" Emilia asked Harry once Louis left to get him a glass of water. 

"Mhmm." Harry nodded, giggling afterwards. Man was he a giggly little drunk. "You're really pretty." Harry told her.

"Aw why thank you, Harry." Emilia smiled at him. "You're not so bad yourself." She said as she lightly pinched Harry's cheek; she couldn't help it, she's been wanting to do that since Harry first burst out in a fit of giggles and that was ages ago! "How was your day with Niall and Liam?" she asked, just to get a conversation going.

"We had lots'a fun!" Harry excitedly said. "Niall took us around your campus and we tried lots'a food there, then we went to the room escape place, we almost won but Liam wouldn't trust my answer." Harry pouted. "But it's okay 'cause afterwards since Liam made us lose I got to choose where to go next so we went to this cat cafe to eat lunch and there were a lot of cute kitties!!! And then Niall took us to this game cafe where we got to play lots'a board games and card games and video games!"

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