Left Behind (idk the ship name sorry)

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PROMPT: "What about another part to what you've been doing (little Harry) where they have a party or something and he has to go to bed early while everyone is hanging out downstairs or another idea the boys might be really busy and have to get someone to watch him and Harry really misses the boys?" (I'll do the first one separately) 


“I don’t understand why I can’t go.” Harry whined for the nth time that day. The five of them were in the living room along with Josh, who’d be babysitting Harry until tomorrow.

“Harry you just got better from a terrible case of the flu literally yesterday,” Liam reiterated. “As much as we don’t want to leave you,” and trust Liam, they don’t want to leave Harry. “Uncle Si’s right, you need to rest up first.”

“It’s only going to be a day; we’ll be back as soon as you know it.” Louis said in an attempt to comfort Harry. “And you have Josh with you!” Harry didn’t know how to respond to that without hurting Josh. He loved Josh as well but he really didn’t want to be left back home especially if they were going to do recordings.

“I could hide in your bags and uncle Si wouldn’t notice…” Harry suggested out of desperation.

“No.” Liam chuckled. He moved forward and picked Harry up. “as much as we want you to come along with us Harry, you have to stay here with Josh first.” He said in an apologetic tone. “Josh will take good care of you, right Josh?”

“Absolutely right.” Josh nodded with a smile.

“I don’t want you to leave.” Harry mumbled, wrapping his arms around Liam’s neck, burying his face in Liam’s chest.

Liam sighed; he knew from the start this would be extremely difficult for all of them. “We have to go, Harry. We’re gonna miss our ride.” He didn’t want to leave either but Paul was gonna have their butts if they're late.

Harry looked up at Liam with beady eyes and gave a sigh of defeat. “Fine.” He mumbled, wiggling so Liam would put him down, which he hesitantly did. Harry pouted and turned around, heading to his bedroom without another word.

“He’ll calm down eventually.” Liam sighed as he heard the door slam shut.

“Can we please go before I feel even worse about leaving him and decide to suddenly rebel and just stay here with Harry?” Zayn groaned. The other three couldn’t agree more. Josh saw them out and promised them that he’d take great care of Harry while they were gone and that they had nothing to worry about.


Once Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Louis left after breakfast Josh just stayed in the living room once he was done unpacking. He knew better from previous experiences that only those four lads are capable of calming Harry down from even the smallest of tantrums; anyone else’s attempts would be futile, so he decided to just wait it out. It’s two hours until Josh hears from Harry again.


“Josh?” I heard Harry’s small voice from behind; I turned around to find the kid standing by the stairs.

“Hey buddy.” I smiled. “Come here.” I said, patting the spot beside me. Harry sighed but he went over nevertheless and I wrapped an arm around him. “You feeling better now?” I asked, referring to his health not about the tantrum early.

“Why couldn’t I go with them?” He sadly asked.

“Because they don’t want you to get sick again.” I gently answered. “Harry you know they don’t really want to leave you, but you gotta understand it’s for the best, right?” I said, brushing back the hair from his face. “You’ll see them again tomorrow, and I’m sure once you’re 100% better you can easily catch up on what they’re going to do today.”

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