Shaken Up Part Two

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Just a filler chapter because I was bored hehe


"Papa is Harry alright?" Louis asked as he entered their parents' home office. He was initially looking for Liam, but the other was still showering so he looked for Niall instead. Louis and Zayn were equally confused and shocked with what happened earlier, mainly because they weren't really aware of Harry's anxiety. 

"He will be." Niall replied as he looked up from his computer monitor. 

"What happened to him anyway?" Louis frowned as he sat down on the chair in front of the desk Niall was working on.

Niall looked at his son for a bit before deciding it would probably be best to make him aware of Harry's condition, too. "Well, Harry has mild anxiety... and he might have had an anxiety attack earlier." Niall said, trying to relay the information as easily as possible. 

"Oh..." Louis mumbled, he was honestly not expecting that answer. "Is there anything I could do to help?" 

Niall had to smile at that, of course it was instinctive of Louis to look out for others. "Your dad said Harry still seemed a bit shaken up, and we honestly don't know yet how to approach him when he's vulnerable." Niall admitted--though he hated to. "He just plans to keep a close eye on Harry at least for the rest of the day, just to make sure he's alright."

"I can watch over him. I know you and dad have some work to do." Louis offered. 

"It's fine, love." Niall smiled. "Dad's got it covered for now, but thank you for offering to help." He said. Liam had insisted earlier on that he'd be on 'Harry watch' for the rest of the day. If you asked Niall, he'd say Liam was overreacting just a little, but Liam didn't want to take any more chances. Plus, he saw this as a good opportunity to make Harry feel at least a little bit more comfortable. 


Upstairs, Liam waited five minutes after getting dressed before deciding to check on Harry. He walked over to Harry's room and knocked on the door three times (mostly out of politeness) before carefully pushing the door open. "Hey, Harry." Liam said in a soft tone from the doorway.

"Hi." Harry mumbled in response. He was on the bed, curled up on his side around his stuffed cat, Nacho. He didn't feel as terrible as he did earlier, but he was still in an off mood and Liam could easily sense that. He went in and gently closed the door behind him before walking over to Harry's bed. 

"How are you feeling?" Liam asked as he sat down on the edge where Harry was facing. 

"I dunno." Harry honestly replied. He really couldn't describe how he was feeling. Tired? Sleepy? Alright? Sad?

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" Liam frowned as he realized how stupid of a question that was. Of course Harry was going to say no because he wasn't that ready yet to open up to him. He was proven right when Harry shook his head in response. Liam just sat there for a few moments, completely lost as to what he could do, until it hit him. He got up and walked over to the bookshelf in Harry's room and retrieved a book before walking back.

"How about I read to you?" Liam suggested as he sat down on the bed, this time behind Harry. He got the idea from when Zayn was still little and he got sick; reading always seemed to help soothe him. That caught Harry's attention: He did like listening to stories, but he was too shy to admit that he wanted one. "You like Harry Potter?" Liam asked when he noticed Harry at least didn't shake his head 'no.'

Hearing that got Harry to turn over and look at Liam. "I heard of it." He shyly replied. He used to hear the kids at his old school talk about it, but he never really knew what it was about. 

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