Just For Now (Zarry)

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YES I'M BACK FROM THE UNDERWORLD / COLLEGE (same thing). Huhu I don't know how I'm gonna survive this thing.

Idk this is most likely going to be another chaptered prompt but I don't know when I'm going to find more time to continue this *sobs*

PROMPT: could you do one where 1d consists off zayn, Liam, Niall and Louis. They were on their way home from a gig when zayn saw something out the window. They stopped and zayn got off only to find a sleeping boy (16 year old Harry) in an alley all beaten up.. Anyway.. Zayn puts him on the bus and the boys all have a go saying why did zayn just pick up a random kid. Harry wakes up and cries for his blankie and teddy which zayn put in the wash.. So zayn gives Harry spare things of lux's. Anyway basically just a lot of fluff and zarry:)


The four lads of One Direction just recently finished another leg of the WWA tour and were extremely exhausted yet pumped up at the same time from their most recent show. Despite it being extremely late already, and despite the gloomy weather outside with rain continuously pouring down, the four lads’ moods couldn’t be dampened.

Niall and Louis were talking animatedly about their last show while munching on some chips and Liam was on the phone with his mum, while Zayn was just staring out the window of their tour bus. It wasn’t that he was exhausted or anything, it’s just that he found something beautiful about the streets at that time of the night. Probably it was even a good thing he was looking out the window because a couple of blocks from their hotel something caught Zayn’s eye.

“Hey! Stop the bus!” Zayn suddenly called out, sitting up straight but not taking his eyes off what he spotted. The driver was caught surprised by Zayn’s sudden request so the bus came to an abrupt halt, making Liam fall off his chair and Louis and Niall to fall on top of one another.

“My chips!!!” Niall exclaimed in horror.

“What was that about?!” Louis groaned.

Zayn merely ignored their outbursts and Paul’s questioning look. He pulled on his hoodie before practically hopping off the bus and quickly making his way to what caught his attention.

“What’s gotten into him?” Louis asked as he watched Zayn from the window.

“What’s he doing?” Niall asked in confusion when he saw Zayn pick something—someone, up.

“He’s got to be kidding.” Liam muttered under his breath when he finally understood what Zayn was doing.

“What’s he doing?” Niall repeated, looking at Liam this time.

“What the hell are you thinking bringing--?!”

“Shh, he’s sleeping.” Zayn scolded Paul when he got onto the bus. True enough a kid with a mop of curls for hair was sound asleep in Zayn’s arms, shivering most probably from the cold outside.

“Zayn you can’t just bring a kid in here like that.” Liam said in a hushed yet firm tone. “What if he’s some criminal or something?!”

In response, Zayn blankly stared at Liam. “Can’t you see this face?” He asked, looking down at the kid in his arms again. “Just look, Liam.”

One Direction Age Play and Fluff (Harry Centrics)Where stories live. Discover now