What a Plan Part Three

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Okay I'm pretty bad at estimating, so ignore what I said in Part Two, this apparently comes in more than three parts...


"Good job, Haz!" Niall whooped, lightly hitting Harry on the back to which Harry just weakly smiled at. They were working counterclockwise, so it was Niall's turn to draw a card: he got a ten and it was then Harry knew he was in for a loooong night.

Niall poured his own shot and Harry's before passing it around. Being the... great friend Niall was that night, he poured the same amount into Harry's cup as he did before. The cup was still on the ground in front of him because he didn't really want to pick it back up. His first taste of alcohol was absolutely not a good experience. 

"Harry you don't have to play if you don't want to." Liam said from the other side of their circle. The older lad had seen how Harry was looking at the cup and kind of felt bad for their friend. Liam wasn't used to drinking a lot, but he could say with confidence that he has this way better handled compared to Harry. 

"No I'll do it." Harry tried to say with as much confidence as he could before grabbing his cup again. He figured he didn't want to prolong it anymore so he just gulped it all down. Harry was just about to put the cup down and ask for iced tea again, but Louis beat him to it: The older lad had a cup ready and handed it to Harry before he could even say anything. Harry quickly thanked Louis before chugging it all down like how a man who's been stranded in the desert for 6 weeks would have. 

For the next three turns Harry was lucky enough to evade the need to drink... he wasn't so lucky on the fourth though as he forgot what drawing an ace entailed so naturally, he was the last to put his hand to his face. 

"Alriiight another shot for Harry!" Niall cheered; he figured he was going to get to one end of his goal sooner than he had thought. Just as he was about to reach for the bottle to pour Harry another drink, Louis made a grab for it. 

"Nuh-uh." Louis tsked at Niall. "Stop being such a dick Niall." Louis told him. He could tell this early on that Harry was such a lightweight and Niall was just being way too hard on him.  "I'm pouring his and your drinks from now on." He said as he poured half of the amount Louis usually did for Harry. Harry blushed a little but smiled gratefully at Louis as the older lad handed him the cup. Don't get Harry wrong; he wasn't looking forward to taking another shot, but this was better than taking one that Niall had poured. 

Finally, it was Louis' turn to take a card. When Louis saw that he had drawn a five, meaning he could come up with any rule he wanted, he thought for no more than five seconds before speaking up. "Okay my rule is every time Harry takes a shot, Niall has to take one too." He said, looking at Niall with a smug expression. Harry looked to Niall hoping that he would argue against it, but it seemed like Niall was up for the challenge--and that scared Harry. 

"Please don't make that the rule." Harry quietly asked of Louis with a small smile. Harry wanted to get back at Niall too, but Niall was his only lifeline here. In all honesty Harry was feeling a little lightheaded already and he seemed somewhat bolder than usual too so he knew he was already a foot off of the sobriety train. Based on previous experiences he knew that Liam could take a good amount of alcohol, but he was a lightweight too so that left just Niall to take care of them if things went spiraling down.

Louis looked back and forth between Niall and Harry, seriously weighing his options before speaking up again. "Fine," he sighed. He couldn't really deny a face like Harry's. "I guess we can just make Niall do the chicken dance after every turn." Louis smiled, remembering how Harry giggled at just the thought of that earlier on. Louis soon learns that this memory has rewarded him greatly as Harry erupted in a fit of giggles--and no, not just the ordinary giggles he had earlier on, these giggles lasted longer and Harry seemed a lot more... happier? 

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