Separation Issues Part Two

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Harry didn't know how long he'd been out, but when he woke up Zayn was just in the process of unbuckling him from the seat. At first he felt a little confused as to why Zayn was there, but he instantly recalled the earlier events and couldn't help but whimper. 

"Oh, Harry." Zayn frowned when he heard the little whimper. He tried to get Harry unbuckled quicker so he could pick the younger lad up already. "It's okay, I got you now." Zayn cooed as he picked Harry up. He still couldn't fathom how the three left Harry alone just like that, but he figured he'd rage over that later. Right now he needed to take care of Harry.

Zayn had already unloaded the car before retrieving Harry, so once he had Harry and Stinson he closed the door and made sure to lock the car before going back into his home. Harry just laid limp in Zayn's arms, clutching Stinson close to him and sucking on his dummy like there was no tomorrow.

"Do you wanna help me make quesadillas, Harry?" Zayn asked once they were inside, fixing the way he was carrying Harry so he could look at the younger lad.

"With chick'n?" Harry asked behind his dummy. Zayn smiled sadly at the boy because Harry just sounded so sad.

"Mhm, and lots of cheese and tomatoes and your favorite sauce!" Zayn said with a lot of enthusiasm because he just wanted to lighten up Harry's mood. Usually if Zayn cooked, he never allowed Harry to help because Zayn was scared Harry'd hurt himself, but he figured he can do a little more supervising now. 

 "Can Stinson help too?" Harry asked as Zayn carried him to the kitchen.

"Don't you wanna surprise Stinson with what you're gonna make?" Zayn replied. In reality he just didn't want the stuffed dragon to get dirty; that'd just mean a trip to the washing machine for the dragon which would upset Harry for sure. That got Harry to agree so they left Stinson in the living room on their way to the kitchen.

"Do you need a change first, bub?" Zayn asked, knowing Harry was still too shy to speak up about nappy changes sometimes.

"Nuh-uh." Harry shyly replied while shaking his head a little, but Zayn slipped a finger between the leg holes anyway to check. When he confirmed that Harry was dry he kissed Harry's nose and brought him over to the sink so they could wash their hands. 

Zayn then got everything ready with a little help from Harry. He gave Harry the relatively easier tasks--those which involved absolutely no sharp objects. 

"But I can handle a knife Zee." Harry whined when he saw Zayn doing all the "fun" stuff. 

"No, baby." Zayn easily said before leaning in and kissing Harry's nose. "How about I let you put everything together on the quesadillas instead?" 

"Can I slice at least 1 tomato?" Harry tried to bargain.

"Nope." Zayn replied.

"Fine." Harry huffed, making Zayn chuckle. He figured assembling the quesadilla would be fun too. Harry was caught surprised though when Zayn suddenly lifted him up from under his shoulders and brought him down to stand on a stool by the stove.

"How about you mix the sauce?" Zayn said with a smile, handing Harry the wooden spoon. Harry instantly lit up, finally he could do one of the fun stuff! 

"I can do that!" Harry said as he took the spoon and started mixing.

"Be careful, okay?" Zayn told him as he hovered a little before going back to slicing and chopping. Zayn occasionally comes back to drop some ingredients into the pot and to check on Harry. 

"Am I doing good?" Harry asked when Zayn put some more spices.

"You sure are, baby." Zayn praised, making Harry beam with pride despite his task being quite easy. 

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