Just For Now Part 3

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Lol this turned out longer than I expected it to be .-. 

I made this part Larry because I've been having so many Larry feels lately i need to channel them somewhere ;~; 


The boys have had Harry in their little family for barely 4 months and already practically everyone loves the little guy. Harry got media's attention right after they stepped off of the stage that night they announced that they were adopting him. To be honest until now the boys weren't quite sure if they should call Harry their son or baby brother yet, but they're trying not to dwell on labels and just focus on what matters.

Ever since Harry got media's attention the boys have been overly protective of him. At first they wanted to give Harry a twitter account, but then they thought of how badly that could go so they all decided against it for Harry's sake. Aside from that Harry's always by their side, except maybe during shows where he's backstage with either Lou Teasdale or the 5SOS boys, but you get the picture. Harry's still a little shy when they're out and about, or if fans would ask for pictures with him too, but he's shy in an adorable kind of way so he easily gets away with it.

Sometimes interviewers would even ask the boys to bring him out, and they'd allow it sometimes letting Harry sit on one of their laps. But most of the time they just try to let Harry live a normal life; or at least as normal as it can get for someone living with the world's biggest boyband. 

That's also kind of why Louis and Niall are out with Harry this night, taking him to watch Inside Out. Liam and Zayn were in the hotel room, just waiting for the other three to be back. Louis had promised them that they'd be back with Harry by 9... it was currently 9:09 and Liam was worried sick!

"Liam you need to relax." Zayn soothed from his spot on his bed. Sure he was protective of Harry too, but really... Liam could go overboard sometimes. 

"I can't! What if something happened to them? What if they got mobbed by the paparazzi? Harry's going to freak out!" Liam rambled on.

"Louis and Niall are with him, he's going to be fine." Zayn said, trying to assure himself too. 

"We shouldn't have let them go... we should have just bought a dvd or looked for the movie on Netflix!" Liam continued to panic.

"We want him to live a... relatively normal life, remember?" Zayn reminded him. "If we keep him caged up because we're scared he's going to get hurt, it might rub off more on him. We don't want him to get scared of going out, Li."

"You're right." Liam sighed. "I just wish they'd at least text to let us know if they're anywhere near already." and as if on cue they heard laughter outside their hotel room just before the door practically burst open, letting Niall inside followed by a galloping Louis; galloping because he was pretending to be a horse with Harry on his back. 

"Sorry we're a little late." Louis said. "We just stopped over at a parlor to get some ice cream for this little one." he explained

"At this time of the night, Louis?" Liam sighed, and true enough he did see that Harry was holding a half-finished ice cream cone. 

"What's wrong with ice cream at half past 9?" Louis pouted before carefully letting Harry climb down his back.

"How much sugar did you have?" Liam asked, looking at Harry; Harry couldn't lie to him.

"Um... I dunno..." Harry mumbled, he was scared about getting in trouble. He had lots and lots of sugar because Louis and Niall bought him practically one pack of every type of candy in the cinema! 

"A lot?" Liam prompted.

"Liam don't be so hard on him, come on." Niall butted in, ruffling Harry's hair. "It's just a little sugar, a kid's gotta have sugar." 

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