Grown Up (Harry Centric)

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PROMPT: Can you do a continue to stormy nights where harry basically decides that he is done with being babied. He stops wearing diapers so he wets the bed and he goes to bed when he wants to? Thanks xx.

Woops sorry this took so long :(


“Harry go up and get some sleep it’s late.” Liam said. It was only around 10pm and the lads were all downstairs watching The Walking Dead.

“I’m not tired, Liam.” Harry said with a blank expression.

“Harry it’s your bedtime, don’t argue with Liam.” Louis said, backing Liam up.

“I said I’m not tired.” Harry reiterated, looking right at Louis. “Come on I’m only a few months younger than Niall I can stay up late like you guys.”

“You’re gonna be cranky the entire morning tomorrow if you don’t go to bed now,” Liam sighed, which he knew was true. “Come on Haz.” He said, he walked over to their youngest bandmate and picked him up from under the shoulders.

“You can’t man handle me like this! I’m not a freaking baby, Liam. Let go of me.” Harry argued as he tried to squirm his way down from Liam’s grip.

“Harry stop making such a fuss come on baby let’s just get you ready for bed.” Liam said, trying to keep his cool since he knew raising his voice wouldn’t go anywhere.

“I said I’m not sleepy!!!” Harry practically yelled. “Let go of me!”

“Don’t yell like that.” Liam warned, swatting Harry’s bum.

“What the hell?!” Harry winced. “Put me down!” he continued.

“Harry what’s going on with you?” Liam asked as he obliged and put Harry down on his feet. He’d been acting like this all day, really.

“To put it frank, I’m tired of being treated like I’m two years old, okay?” Harry said, sounding awfully annoyed. “As far as I know you’re my bandmates, not my babysitters!” Harry was just getting sick and tired of being treated like a baby, well, at least that’s what he thought he felt. It all started earlier that morning…

*FLASHBACK to this morning

Harry just got up from bed and was happily making his way downstairs to get some breakfast. They had a performance today on X Factor and quite frankly Harry was looking forward to it. He stopped on the last step when he heard hushed voices from the kitchen.

“Can you wake him up?” A tired voice said, and Harry guessed it was Liam. “I’m too tired to handle him right now.” Too tired to handle who? Harry?

“Fine,” another voice sighed, probably Louis. “but he’s your responsibility once we’re in the car.” He bargained as if it were the most tedious thing in the world to do.

“Niall can have him,” Liam said in a serious tone. “I just want to breathe freely today. No fuss, please.”

Was this how the lads felt about him? Was Harry being a burden to them? They always seemed happy to take care of Harry and were always so playful, he’d never guessed that this was how they felt behind his back. Has it always been like this?

Harry’s thoughts were stopped when he heard Louis coming his way; he made a mad dash upstairs and locked himself in the bathroom, turning on the shower afterwards.

“Harry?” He heard Louis call from his room. “Harry where are you baby?”

“I-I’m in the shower.” Harry answered.

There was a pause before Louis spoke up again. “Do you need help sweetie?”

“No, m’fine.” Harry reluctantly said.

One Direction Age Play and Fluff (Harry Centrics)Where stories live. Discover now