Little Angel (Lirry in the end)

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PROMPT: Harry is very very cranky in the morning, cause he didn't get much sleep last night, and he keeps throwing tantrums all day over almost every little thing and not gettig his way. All the boys try to calm him down. But the only one who really can calm him is Liam, but Liam's not home for half the day. So when he gets home, he comforts Harry and it's a fluffy ending.


“Harry… wake up Haz,” Louis said as he tried to gently wake Harry up. The younger lad had stayed up late last night but he knew he couldn’t let Harry sleep in since it could probably worsen his already messed up body clock.

“What time is it?” Harry mumbled, his eyes still closed.

“8am,” Louis tentatively said, he pursed his lips as he waited for Harry’s reply.

“It’s too early.” Harry whined and flipped over so his face was buried in his pillow.

“I know Haz, but we gotta fix your body clock already.” Louis sighed. “Come on, breakfast’s ready downstairs.” He said as he tried to tug Harry up. Harry grumbled something incoherent but followed Louis downstairs.

“Good morning.” Niall greeted, but Harry just huffed and sat down on his chair.

“Harry, Niall said good morning.” Zayn said.

“Morning.” Harry mumbled as he glared at his plate. The four looked at one another and knew this was going to be a difficult day.

Liam put some pancakes on Harry’s plate with a few slices of bacon and a glass of water. Despite his grumpy mood not two seconds ago, Harry perked up at the sight of food which made the other lads laugh a little; they were just glad ‘cranky Harry’ was set aside for the moment.

“Can I have soda?” Harry asked halfway through breakfast.

“No, it’s too early for soda.” Louis said.

“But I want soda.” Harry whined.

“I said it’s too early for soda, Haz.” Louis repeated.

“I want soda!” Harry said a bit too loudly and crossed his arms, a pout evident on his face.

“Harry no yelling at the table.” Liam firmly said. The boys expected another outburst, but none came, which Liam sighed in relief to. “You can have juice or tea, but no soda.”

“Fine.” Harry huffed.

“What do you want?” Louis gently asked.

“Juice.” Harry answered.

“Juice please.” Liam corrected, making Harry roll his eyes.

“Juice please, Louis?” Harry asked a bit too nicely, but the lads let it slide this time, knowing they brought this upon themselves when they let Harry stay up late watching movies with them. Harry just muttered a ‘thanks’ when Louis placed a glass of orange juice in front of him. Breakfast went relatively smooth after that, the only other complaint that came from Harry was that his pancakes were too fluffy… But they managed to fix that by switching it with a new one that was less, well, fluffy.

Louis volunteered to do the dishes so Zayn, Niall, and Harry all stayed in the living room to watch TV while Liam went upstairs to get ready to leave.

“It’s too loud,” Harry whined.

“Then lower the volume.” Niall easily said.

“But the remote’s too far.” Harry complained.

“That’s why you have feet and legs; so you can walk.” Niall said.

“It’s nearer to you.” Harry whined.

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