A Little Push (Zarry)

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PROMPT: Can you do one where they're on vacation or something like a swimming trip and Harry's scared of the water, but only Zayn knows it at first (can you make Zayn not scared of water?). Just make it cute please? I was also kind of thinking of changing their ages like Harry will be turning 16, then Liam, Niall and Zayn will all be 19 and Louis 20. only if it's ok with you :D

I'm not sure if I got this correctly but I tried :( =)). not sure what year you wanted this tho so i just assumed it's somewhere after the UAN tour?????


It's been a long wait, but the lads finally got their well deserved and very much anticipated break. Liam was able to rent out a small private resort for the lads in one of those villages that practically exist for that sole purpose. The village was filled with hundreds of houses; all with pools, and all available for rent for how many days and nights you'd wish (as long as you pay, of course). Liam managed to book them the private resort with slides spiraling down from the second floor of the house where the bedrooms were, right into the pool. That seemed appealing to the lads, except one; Harry.

Ever since the tour ended Harry's been fretting about this long planned trip. Water wasn't really his thing, by all means he'd wish to avoid having to encounter water that went deeper than 2 feet. You can imagine how he felt while they were filming WMYB and GBY... Harry didn't say anything about his fears though, not wanting to ruin their time. He thought he can just find a way to avoid swimming at whatever cost.

That proved to be difficult once they arrived at the resort...



"No, Louis." Liam cut Louis off. "Bags in the room first."

"Fine." Louis huffed as he quickly made his way upstairs with Liam close behind him followed by Niall.

"You okay Harry?" Zayn asked, looking at me. Nope, I wasn't.

"Yeah." I said, trying to show a smile. Zayn's the only one I told about my fear because I thought we felt the same way... turns out he only dislikes beaches but is fine with pools... Still, at least we had something in common... in some way?

"Let's just put our bags in the room." Zayn said and I followed him upstairs to the room we'd all be sharing. The resort had 4 rooms that could easily hold 3 people each, but you know, we're a clingy bunch. Oh, and the band's gonna arrive tomorrow, too! 

"LET'S GO SWIMMIIIIIING." Louis yelled, though it was completely unnecessary since we were all in the same room anyway, but this is Louis we’re talking about.

“Alright go get changed in the other rooms or bathrooms already.” Liam chuckled, opening his bag to get his swim trunks. Everyone was already rummaging through their bags except me, of course. I wasn’t so sure I wanted to, but I still couldn’t think of an excuse.

“You’ll be fine, Harry.” Zayn had come near and tried to reassure me. “Don’t worry, we’ll all be there by the pool, anyway.” I wanted to say that didn’t really guarantee that I wouldn’t drown, but I was too preoccupied to even speak, so I just nodded my head and sighed before opening up my bag and looking for my own swim trunks. I found them after a while and when I looked up, everyone was gone, probably to get changed, so I just changed here in this room.

When I got outside the rest of the lads were all ready and were waiting by the slides… this did not look good at all.

“It’s about time!” Niall joked. “Come on!!” He said, pulling me closer to them. I looked at Zayn and he gave me a reassuring smile before stepping up to the slide and going down way too fast for my liking. Zayn was screaming the entire ride down, but it wasn’t a scared scream, it was a “HOLY SHT THIS IS AMAZING” kind of scream. After a few seconds we heard a splash, which was probably Zayn landing in the pool. We looked over the railing and found Zayn’s head bobbing in the middle of the pool. Shit that looked deep.

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