Mind Your Words (Lirry)

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Another old one :) Back when I still wrote in their POV's instead of third person lol forgive me


Niall's POV

"Harry Styles mind your words."

Liam was mad... as in, mad. And that's saying something since he never got this mad, or in fact, mad at Harry before. Liam, Harry and I were at our place, Louis left to buy some things we don't really care about, and well... today hasn't been a good day for the three of us. Let me put it simply for you: It all started in the morning, drama was going online, and of course Harry had to see that and do something, which management wasn't pleased about. Liam was contacted by management and they told him to talk to Harry and do something about it... well of course Harry had to be stubborn, talking about how there's nothing wrong with what he did...

...and it's been like that for the past hour. So yes, we're in the living room... I'm on the couch, Harry and Liam are standing up on either side of me talking back at each other, and whenever I try to say something they both shut me up so I decided like thirty minutes ago to just do that. It's pretty eventful since it's the first time I heard Harry say "fck" and "sht," well, I probably shouldn't be happy about that, because Liam wasn't... and Liam knows Harry most probably got that from me, so I'm guessing I'd have some words with Liam later, too...
The talking—no, shouting back went on for around 10 more minutes until Liam finally had it.

"ALRIGHT, HARRY I AM DONE. No television for a week, no twitter for the next three days and you go stand in that corner until I say you can get out."

"You can't put me in time out!!!!" Harry shouted.

"Yes¸ I can." Liam reiterated, picking Harry up and placing him in the corner. I barely heard Liam say he wasn't going to hesitate spanking Harry's bum if Harry moved away from that corner... yikes...

"And Niall don't even think I don't know where Harry learned that language." Liam angrily said, without even looking at me, as he went out of the living room and went to the kitchen...

Yeah I'm in deep shit. I could hear Harry's muffled crying from the corner and I really wanted to do something about it, but I felt like I'd just get him into more trouble so I stayed where I was, knowing Liam he'd probably get Harry out of there some time soon, anyway.


I basically spent the entire 40 minutes in the kitchen trying to calm myself down. I felt bad for yelling at Harry and Niall, but Harry needed to learn his lesson no matter how bad it made me feel. I just have to make sure he understands that, and that I don't hate him, that I did that for him. I eventually got up from my seat and walked back to the living room.

"Niall go up to your room first, I'll talk to you later." I said sternly. I still had to talk to him about the words he uses when Harry's around... I mean, Harry never said "sht" or "fck" before!

Niall quickly nodded his head and made way for the stairs. I turned around and found Harry still facing the corner, his head hung low. I heaved a deep sigh before walking over, stopping around a foot and a half away from him. I crouched down on the floor before speaking up.

"Harry baby, can you turn around for me?" I asked in a much gentler tone compared to the one I used earlier. Harry didn't say anything, neither did he do anything. He just stiffened in his position... great I frighten him.

"Come on kitten I won't yell at you." Harry shook his head a bit and sniffed. "I just want to talk, baby." Nothing was working.

"Harry I love you so much, you know that. Come out of that corner we need to talk, bub." Harry rubbed his right eye, hesitated for a moment before slowly turning around. He looked really upset which made me even guiltier. I gave him a reassuring smile and opened my arms for him. Harry sniffled once more before slowly walking towards me. I immediately enveloped him in a tight hug and kissed the top of his head.

I stood up with Harry protectively in my arms and walked over to the sofa, sitting down with Harry on my lap. Harry was crying again so I just cradled him there and tried to calm him down by humming the song that I always do when he's upset. I got a napkin from the coffee table and wiped his tears away, before asking him to blow his nose with another one.

"Harry I love you, okay?" I began when Harry calmed down. "That's why I had to do that, you have to understand, kitten." Harry didn't say anything but he just gave a small nod. "Those were really bad words, I don't want to hear you saying them again, do you understand?"

"I'm sorry." Harry softly said, his voice cracking a bit. "I promise I won't say them again."

"And Harry, that attitude..." I began. "I know you're sleepy, I know you're tired, but that doesn't mean you can act like that." Harry sniffed again and just nodded his head, whispering another "I'm sorry."

I smiled at Harry, letting him know that he's forgiven, before standing up again with him in my arms. Harry had his arms around my neck and his head on my shoulder as I carried him up the stairs and into his bedroom. I grabbed the changing mat with one arm and laid it down on top of Harry's bed then got his things and clothes. When I put Harry down on the mat, he still looked a bit scared.

"I'm not mad, kitten," I reassured him. "We're okay now." I told him as I gave him a small smile and pulled the shorts off his legs. I tried to make the change as quick as possible.

It was a bit cold inside so I put Harry in his cotton onesie that had long sleeves and snaps below the diaper and cotton pajama bottoms for his nap. I picked Harry up so I could remove the changing mat from his bed and then I put him back down gently under the covers. I gave Harry his pacifier and Dusty and kissed him for some seconds on the forehead. "Sweet dreams." I said as I tucked Harry in before leaving the room.

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