Harry's Gem

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PROMPT: How about one where Gemma heard of the boys babying harry and she wanted to see it for herself because she missed having a little brother because harry's been all independent ever since idk. Then when Gemma arrives Harry's really shy and a bit embarrassed and tries to get the boys to stop babying him but Gemma steps in and assures him that it's alright really fluffy please

**IMPORTANT: Please read the note at the end :( :)**


“Baby you know you’re not supposed to put that in your mouth.” Louis sighed as he tried to gently pull the remote away from Harry’s mouth. They’ve been at this for days already and Harry still keeps putting random things in his mouth. Harry was about to cry—Louis could tell from Harry’s quivering lips—so he quickly slipped Harry’s green and white striped paci in between his lips.

 “See? That’s a lot better, right?” Louis cooed and Harry just giggled in response.

"I think we need to put pacifiers around the house." Liam chuckled from his spot on the sofa.

"That's actually not a bad idea..." Louis murmured in agreement. Before Liam could say anything about him just joking and it wouldn't be ideal because the pacifiers might get dirty before Harry could use them, Liam's phone started ringing.

"I'll be back." Liam told Louis before standing up and walking to the kitchen where he picked his phone up. "Hello?"

"Hi Liam! It's Gemma." Gemma said from the other end.

"Oh hey Gem." Liam smiled. "It's good to hear from you again. How are things going for you?"

"They're going great, thanks for asking." Gemma replied. "I was actually calling just to check if it's still alright for me to come over tomorrow."

Liam paused for a moment... Gemma... coming over tomorrow? Shit. They completely forgot about that. They talked about it weeks ago when Gemma first learned about Harry doing age play; she wanted to see it for herself not because she couldn't believe it, but because she missed having a baby brother to take care of. Liam and Zayn had assured her that it was fine but they told her to give Harry a couple more weeks so they can convince him to let Gemma see him like this. This date they agreed upon was even perfect because the first leg of their tour just ended meaning they have plenty of time to themselves until the next. The problem is though, they completely forgot to ease Harry into the idea... so much for preparation.

"Oh! Right." Liam nervously chuckled. "Yeah! We're still up for tomorrow." Why did he say that?! Louis' going to kill him, and he's supposed to be the sensible one around here!

Gemma practically squealed in delight at Liam's response. "Great! I'll be over after lunch!"

The two of them talked for a little more before Gemma said goodbye, saying she needed to buy some things before they see one another tomorrow.

"Who was that?" Louis asked when Liam returned to the living room. Harry turned around on his spot so he could see his daddy Liam too.

"What? Oh. It was nothing." Liam waved it off, but he gave Louis a look that said they needed to talk, and luckily Louis instantly picked up on that.

"Baby do you wanna go upstairs and draw some pretty pictures with papa Zee?" Louis asked Harry with as much enthusiasm he could muster.

"Yeah! Wanna draw with papa Zee!" Harry excitedly said, making the pacifier drop from his mouth as he clapped his hands in pure delight. Liam and Louis couldn't help but smile at their little baby. 

"Okay, I'll take you up to your papa." Louis said before standing up and scooping Harry into his arms.

"I gonna draw pwetty pictures for daddies and papas!" Harry happily told Louis as he was carried upstairs and into Zayn's room.

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