Not Worth It (Zarry)

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HELLOO! So it was calums_butt_yaas who guessed what country I'm from first so I filled her prompt :) yeah I'm Filipino haha :)

PROMPT: Can you do one where like they are having a party but Harry has to stay upstairs since it's late but he's still awake. And the boys are drunk and there's girls all over them so when Harry comes out to one of the boys (and slutty girl) the girl says something yo make him cry and that's when the boy snaps back. It doesn't matter to me which boy it is.

Is there even a better way to spend a completely free night than to have a party? Nope; which was why way past midnight music was still blaring downstairs and people were still partying at One Direction’s shared house.

It wasn’t the case for Harry, though. Liam had asked him to go up to his room already a little before midnight since it was already getting late and of according to Liam “you need all the sleep you can get when you’re still little.”

===earlier that night===

“Come on Liam it’s not even that late yet.” Harry pouted.

“Harry it’s almost midnight just be happy we let you stay up past your bedtime.” Liam gently said.

“But I’m not even tired yet.” He whined, which was true. All the people around and the music got Harry really hyped up and there was no way he was going to fall asleep any time soon.

“There will be plenty of other parties in the future.” Liam promised. “Right now I just want you to get some sleep, okay? You need all the sleep you can get when you’re still little.”

“I’m not that little!” Harry argued.

“I meant when you’re still young.” Liam sighed. “Come on Haz.” He said, taking Harry’s hand and leading him upstairs to his room. Liam helped Harry get changed into his pajamas and made sure Harry washed his face and brushed his teeth before tucking him into bed with his favorite teddy.

“Can you or Zee sleep here when it’s over?” Harry sadly asked as Liam tucked him in.

“That’s not a problem at all.” Liam said with a smile. “Good night Haz.” He leaned in to kiss Harry’s forehead.

“Good night.” Harry sighed. Liam gave him a reassuring smile before plugging in the night light and turning to leave the room to go back to the party.


The four older lads were quite frankly enjoying the party, mingling with a lot of people…maybe more often than not with the ladies, downing a couple (their definition of “a couple”) of drinks, just basically getting really into it. They were basically savoring the night because rarely did they have both Paul AND Liam approve of a party and drinks… and a lot of girls.

It’s literally been 2 and a half hours and Harry still can’t sleep. He tried reading a book, counting sheep, heck, he even tried watching a chess tournament on TV but nothing worked! He was pretty sure it’s still gonna be a while until the party’s over because he could still hear people laughing and dancing around to loud music downstairs (another reason as to why he can’t fall asleep).

Harry didn’t really like being alone in his room especially if it was past midnight; it was way too creepy to be alone! It took all his will for the past two and a half hours not to go barging down and beg one of the lads to stay with him. His supply of self-control eventually dwindled when it was almost 3am and he kicked off the covers from on top of him. He sighed and sat up, sliding on his big and soft hedgehog slippers before standing up and walking out of his room.

His outfit didn’t matter; he was Harry Styles and this was his house too. He can walk around the party in any attire he wanted to! (That and he can easily get away with it. Come on, how can you not coo at that?)

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