All Okay Part One (Lirry)

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PROMPT: Hiiii could you possibly do one where Harry wets the bed and the boys slowly turn it in to ageplay? his favorite daddy is liam please and thank you :)



It was around 2am when the van finally parked in the lads’ garage; they’d had a pretty long day, well, pretty long month, to be honest. And it was only the first of many more to come. They just started their third tour and already they’re recording their fourth album at the same time. Not only that, they have radio interviews, guest appearances, live performances, and other things to worry about. The five love their job dearly, but sometimes it could get really tiring, and this was one of the many times.

“Should we wake him up?” Louis whispered, pointing to Harry who was sleeping between him and Liam. The month’s been way more tiring specifically for their youngest bandmate with all the rumors and drama going around.

“No, I can carry him in, I guess.” Liam replied; he didn’t want to wake Harry up since he looked so relaxed sleeping in between them. “He’s still light, I can manage.” He quietly said as he carefully picked Harry up and carried him inside. Harry didn’t even stir the slightest when he was moved.

Liam was just about to put Harry down when he felt a sudden warmth pressed to him. He frowned and looked down at Harry, seeing nothing odd, so he laid him down carefully and saw the problem; a wet patch was continually growing on the younger lad’s jeans. To be frank, Liam was quite shocked; Harry had never wet the bed in their four years of being together. He didn’t want to wake Harry up, but he knew he had to now.

“Harry, Harry wake up…” He softly said as he tried to gently shake Harry awake. “Wake up Hazza… come on love.”

Harry’s eyes cracked open a bit, but he immediately closed them again, his sleepy mind not taking in the state of his jeans. “M’tired Liam…” he whined.

“I know Haz but you gotta get cleaned up…” He gently said with a small frown as he brushed some hair away from Harry’s face.

It took a couple more minutes but Harry eventually came around, but not calmly, of course. When he finally realized the situation he was in he immediately panicked and his cheeks started heating up as he continued on to ramble apologies to Liam, hiding his face from the older lad.

“Harry, it’s okay.” Liam soothed. “It happens to the best of us, it’s okay.” He said, rubbing Harry’s back. “Calm down lad, you don’t want to cry yourself sick.”

“Sorry,” Harry mumbled, more tears spilling from his eyes.

“It’s fine.” Liam assured him. “I won’t tell anyone, I promise.” He said. “Come on, go get cleaned up and I’ll handle your sheets, alright?” He said as he helped Harry sit up. “I’ll bring you some clothes after you shower then you can go right back to bed.”

Harry nodded with a little sniffle before heading off to his bathroom to get cleaned up. Liam quickly stripped Harry’s bed and snuck them into the drying room without any of the other lads catching him. He put new clean sheets on Harry’s bed and changed his own clothes as well before knocking on the bathroom door, a change of clothes for Harry in his other hand.

“Harry I got some clothes for you, love.”

Harry cracked the door open and Liam handed him the clothes before he closed it shut again. Liam decided to wait outside in case Harry needed him, and he just wanted to make sure Harry was alright.

“Hey, you alright?” Liam asked once Harry came out. Harry just timidly nodded so Liam brought him in for a comforting hug. “Let’s get you to bed.” He said, guiding Harry back to his room.

“Can you stay with me?” Harry shyly asked as he climbed in bed. “It’s 3am…” He whispered, as if it explained everything. Of course Liam knew Harry easily gets scared no matter how many times he tries to act tough, and Harry really did think that 3am’s the “devil’s hour” so Liam understood.

“Yeah, I can do that.” Liam smiled, climbing in next to Harry. Liam could sense Harry was a little tense and his eyes kept on darting to the dark corner of the room. “Do you want me to turn the lights on?” He gently asked.

“It’s okay with you?” Harry asked, fear a bit evident in his eyes.

“It’s fine.” Liam assured before getting up and turning on the lights. He climbed back in bed and laid next to Harry, bringing him just a little bit closer. “Night Haz.”

“Night Liam.” Harry yawned and he finally got the rest he wanted.

The following morning, Liam woke up a lot earlier than he expected he would. They did have another radio interview that day, but it wasn’t until after lunch so he was quite confused as to why he was woken up at 9am, judging by the clock on the bedside table.

He laid there, just staring at the ceiling until he finally felt something warm pressing against his leg, and the events of last night finally came back to him. He looked to his left and sure enough Harry was still fast asleep, covered in the blanket, but it didn’t ease Liam’s suspicions. He sat up and carefully removed the blanket from Harry, and sure enough the lad’s pajamas as well as a large part of the bed around him were soaking wet.

“Oh shit,” Liam whispered, frowning a little. He wasn’t annoyed—moreover he was worried about Harry. If it were a one time thing he was sure he could keep it between themselves, but it didn’t seem like it now and he had to tell at least Louis; he was just worried, what if something’s wrong with Harry? Liam was sure the other lads were still asleep though so he saved sharing his concerns with Louis later on, right now he had to focus on getting Harry up.

“Hazza, wake up buddy.” Liam said, gently shaking Harry awake again. “Come on, love.”

Harry eventually woke up, confused. Then a small whimper came from the lad when he realized why he was being woken up.

“It’s okay, Haz, it’s okay.” Liam immediately cooed. “Don’t cry, please.” He said with a small frown as he soothingly rubbed Harry’s back. There was seriously nothing more heartbreaking than seeing Harry cry; the four lads could vouch for that. Zayn even said that one time Harry broke down, that “it should be illegal to make Harry cry like this.”

“I’m sorry Li.” Harry whined, tears threatening to spill from his eyes when he saw that even Liam’s clothes got wet from his accident.

“It’s okay Harry, I promise.” Liam repeated as he helped Harry sit up. “I want you to go get showered, okay? You can go back to bed if you’re still tired, but if you’re not I’m gonna be downstairs making breakfast and you’re free to join me, alright?” He told Harry as he wiped some tears away from Harry’s cheeks.

“Okay…” Harry softly mumbled before getting up and shuffling to the bathroom, bringing along a change of clothes.

Liam got cleaned up as well in the other bathroom and went downstairs after remaking Harry’s bed to make breakfast. He heard the bathroom door open and close at one point, but Harry never went down so he figured Harry probably went back to bed. After eating his breakfast, Liam decided to check on Harry again and found the lad wide awake on his bed.

“Aren’t you hungry?” Liam asked, and Harry just shook his head in response. Liam could sense the accidents were bothering Harry a lot, and he couldn’t blame him. “Harry can you tell me if that’s happened before?” He gently asked as he sat down beside Harry and wrapped an arm comfortingly around him.

“It hasn’t…” Harry truthfully mumbled. “Last night was the first time…” He blushed. Liam pursed his lips; he expected that answer but it didn’t really make things better.

“Do you want to maybe see a doctor about it?” Liam asked.

“No.” Harry answered, vigorously shaking his head. “It’s gonna go away on its own.” He frowned; Harry just hated doctors, if you’re wondering.

“Okay…” Liam unsurely said. “But if it happens again I’m taking you to the doctor, no buts.” He said. “I just want to make sure you’re okay, Harry.” He sighed.

“Fine…” Harry frowned, burying his face in Liam’s shoulder.


Part 2 coming up soon :)

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