- Shameless Plug, edited -

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Hi! Thank you so much for sticking with me through all these years! I don't go on here anymore as often, but when I do it really makes me happy to see that people are still enjoying this book :)

Having said that though, I think it's time for me to accept and formally announce that I'm done with this work. I know there are some chaptered works in here that're left unfinished, and I'm really sorry about that. I've been trying to finish them, but I guess my interests just don't lie here anymore. What I've tried to make ended up half-assed and I honestly don't think you deserve such horrible work huhu.

I know it's not ideal, and it's such a sorry way to end this but I'll leave it up to your imaginations as to how they ended 💕

Now this chapter is titled shameless plug because as you can guess, I started a new book 😅 it's a Marvel one this time, Natasha-centric.

It's an AU where the Avengers exist where Bigs and Littles are known and accepted. Natasha just so happens to be one of those Littles, and this story follows how she comes to accept her status.

It's chock-full of angst and fluff! I've actually uploaded it on ao3 and got such good feedback, so I thought of sharing it with you guys here too. Feel free to check it out if you're interested 😊. I already uploaded some chapters on wattpad. (it's called RomanOff and On, and here's the link; https://my.w.tt/6Nv8ascPz4)

This is honestly something I can see writing for the long run, maybe even with installments coming down the line. I hope some of you will like it :)

Again, thank you for the incredible journey with this work!! You guys were the ones who kept me writing these past few years, and have helped me through some of the most difficult times in the fandom lol.

It's time for me to head on over to a new one though, but trust me this'll forever be in my heart 💕

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