Not the Last (Zarry)

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Hi I know it's been a while but I just felt the need to come back even for just one short (Well it was initially supposed to be short, when I wrote this intro, the one shot was short in my mind) one shot because these past few days have been so sad (I know this one shot won't make things better but I felt the need to write it huhu)

I started writing this the day after Zayn left, and I know some of our feelings towards the situation have changed, but I still chose to write it this way, because idk it seems more peaceful (???), calmer (??), more reasonable somehow (??) this way... idk I just felt like writing it like this.

WOw this turned out longer than I expected it woops sorry.


"I'm so sorry." Zayn quietly said, barely resisting the urge to tear up in front of three of his best mates. It was around 10pm and he just broke the news to Liam, Niall, and Louis that he won't be joining them on stage anymore from now on. It's been on his mind for the past few weeks, and he's been getting things done about it, and he figured it was time to come clean.

It just hasn't been the same anymore for him recently. Don't get him wrong, he still loved the four so much with all his heart, but when your passion slowly turns into just a profession, it's just not right. He thought long and hard about this, it was the most difficult decision he had to make so far, but he knew in his heart, that it was the right one to make.

"We...we understand, Zayn, don't worry." Liam said, trying his best to keep his voice even. He never saw this coming; he'd never thought that they'd never have to have this conversation. "We know it's been a rough couple of months, and... no matter how hard... we respect your decision."

"Oh for fuck's sake stop trying to be all manly!" Niall exclaimed, and finally he was the first one to break down and actually attack Zayn in a hug. It was like Niall burst the dam, Liam quickly followed suit, and soon enough Louis was crying as well. They stayed like that for a while, just trying to comfort and reassure one another until they all finally calmed down.

"How do you plan on telling Harry..?" Niall sniffled, wiping at his eyes. To be honest, that was the part Zayn was most nervous about. He didn't know how to break the news to their little one yet. He couldn't stand it when Harry gets upset, let alone if it he was upset because of him. This was exactly why he chose to tell the three now, while Harry was upstairs already sound asleep.

" need to tell him." Louis said after some time.

"I know, it's just..." Zayn sighed. "Give me some time, yeah?"

The four of them stayed there for quite some time more, just talking but more of enjoying one another's company, really just relishing it while it still lasted. They knew they'd still see each other even after Zayn left, but it won't be the same anymore.

The next morning, Zayn miraculously woke up early despite spending a late night with the three. Seeing as they were on a short break , he decided to spend some quality time with Harry today before he breaks the news to him. He went downstairs to prepare breakfast before going back up to wake Harry. When he got into Harry's room, Harry was still sound asleep in his little toddler bed, sucking on his pacifier and hugging his stuffed panda, Tex, to his chest.

Zayn walked towards him and sat down on the edge of the bed, just soothingly rubbing Harry's back. He willed himself to push back sad thoughts first, because he had to focus on spending time with Harry today. Once he "manned up," he started to gently wake Harry up.

"Harry... Harry wake up, baby." Zayn cooed. "It's time to get up, I made you chocolate chip pancakes." He smiled when he saw Harry's eyes starting to flutter open. Harry yawned, causing the paci to fall from his mouth, but he smiled when he saw that it was Zayn waking him up.

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