All Okay Part Three (Lirry)

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It's 3:20am where I'm at btw, so I sincerely apologize if there are any typos or whatever :-( I just really wanted to get this posted already eee



“Is he alright?” Niall whispered once everyone was sure that Harry was asleep in Liam’s arms already.

“I guess.” Liam whispered back as he laid Harry down in his own bunk and climbed in with him. “We probably just have to keep an eye on him.” Liam said as he brushed back some hair away from Harry’s face before covering them both with the blanket.

The next morning Liam woke up earlier than Harry, but he decided to let Harry sleep in. They weren’t arriving at the hotel until after lunch and it was only half past 8. He went out of the bunks and found Louis and Niall on the sofas.

“Morning.” Liam greeted with a yawn.

“Morning.” The two said in chorus.

“How’s Harry?” Louis asked, looking away from the TV to look at Liam.

“Well, he’s asleep.” Liam shrugged and sat down beside Niall. “He’s just really stressed, I guess.” He sighed.

“Can’t we do anything about it?” Niall asked with a frown.

“What do you mean?” Liam curiously asked. If Niall had any ideas in mind that would be great, because Liam was absolutely stumped.

“Well, you saw how he instantly relaxed in your arms last night.” Niall said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Louis and Liam waited for him to continue his explanation, but the Irish lad was focused on the TV again.

“Niall,” Louis said, breaking the silence and waving his hand in front of Niall. “you were suggesting something to help Harry?”

“I already said it,” he told Louis incredulously. “Just legitimately take care of Harry.” Niall said, looking at the two other men. “but don’t push it, though. Just until how far he’s going to allow us to.” He clarified.

“That doesn’t really sound like a bad idea.” Liam mused.

“And you don’t have to do it alone, we can help too.” Louis said. “You can’t hog him to yourself, Payne.” He joked. “We want some Harry cuteness in our lives too.” He chuckled.

“Alright,” Liam smiled. “I guess we’ll start testing the limits when he wakes up?” He suggested, and the two of them nodded.

It was about an hour more until Harry stumbled out of the bunks as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and with his hair disheveled.

“’Morning Harry.” Liam softly, but brightly greeted.

“’morning…” Harry yawned. Before Harry could sit down on the sofa Liam reached out and gently pulled Harry down to sit down on his lap. Niall and Louis were both waiting for a reaction but Harry just yawned again and snuggled closer to Liam, his eyes drooping a bit.

“Looks like you’re not quite awake yet, though.” Liam softly chuckled. “It’s alright you can still get some sleep.” He gently said as he combed his hands through Harry’s hair. Harry mumbled something unintelligible and soon enough dozed off. Liam fixed how he was holding Harry so he’d be cradling the younger lad comfortably.

“Did he take his diaper off..?” Louis quietly asked, just not wanting a repeat of last night for Harry’s sake.

“Nah,” Liam answered. He slipped his hand in Harry’s sweats and checked if he needed a change. “He’s dry so he’ll be alright.”

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