Un-Harry Hour (Zianourry / mostly Larry)

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PROMPT: Can you do one where harry messed his nappy for the first time

“Come on lads let’s get a move on!” Paul urged the five on. It was 8am and they were running late for their interview on Radio 1. They were supposed to leave half an hour ago but being tired from the previous night’s show, no one woke up to their alarms; not even Liam.

The morning rush was particularly difficult for Harry since he’d been in his headspace since the previous night. It took a lot of coercing from Louis to get their youngest mate back to his 18 year old self which did not help their being late at all.

“Why do we have interviews at very ungodly hours?” Harry groaned as Zayn closed the van’s door once they were all in.

“Technically, this isn’t an ungodly hour.” Niall put out. “It’s just a very un-Harry hour.”

“Which makes things worse.” Louis laughed and the other three older lads agreed.

“Oh cut it.” Harry pouted. It took all Louis’ will power to not cuddle Harry right there since it would just, most likely, help Harry back into his little head space.

“It’s the only thing we got for today, anyway.” Liam said. “Then we can all head back and just crash.” The other four lads sighed in relief, ultimately liking the sound of that. The rest of the ride was quiet considering everyone was practically still half asleep. Paul had to half drag Harry and Zayn into the studio once they arrived—surprisingly on time.

“Morning lads.” Nick greeted them as they entered the room, and all of them smiled at their friend, saying their good morning’s. “Just the usual today.” He told them as the five took their usual seats and waited for the music to stop playing and for Nick to start talking.

Harry was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes when he felt it; his stomach rumbling, causing his hand to involuntarily make it to his stomach.

“You okay?” Louis asked since Harry’s eyebrows were suddenly furrowed.

“Yeah.” Harry nodded and put his hand down, trying to look relaxed to convince Louis.

Nick started talking, probably introducing the boys once more to their listeners, but Harry couldn’t be quite sure. He was looking at Nick, but not really listening; his mind more focused on that pain in his stomach, which was probably why he didn’t catch Nick’s question.

“Harry!” Louis said, giving the curly haired boy a little shove, which did not help his predicament at all. Harry winced a little but immediately masked the expression.

“Sorry, what was that?” Harry apologized, looking at Nick.

“Harry here was woken up at a very un-Harry hour, so you’re gonna have to forgive him.” Niall chuckled, making Nick laugh.

“It’s alright.” Nick smiled. “But I was asking all of you your favorite song to perform.”

“Oh,” Harry nodded and thought about it for a while. “probably still What Makes You Beautiful.” Harry decided. “Can’t really get tired of that song.” He said with a smile. Nick said something but Harry wasn’t paying any attention anymore, his mind was busy working out why his stomach was hurting so much, then he remembered it. He had to bite down on his lower lip to stop himself from groaning at his stupidity; he really shouldn’t have had that much tacos last night. That, and their earlier morning rush had caused him to forget to go to the bathroom.

“Harry are you okay?” It was Niall who asked this time. Harry looked up and realized a song was playing again, meaning they had about 3 minutes to talk before they had to go on air once more. He blushed a bit when he realized everyone’s eyes were on him.

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