Shots (Zarry)

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I survived my first week of college yaaaaay! 
Sorry this one's rather short :c

PROMPT:  Maybe one where Harry's 16 and the others are their ages now and Harry has to get vaccinated & he's really scared about it I just want it fluffy also while they're at the doctors!! :) since you asked for Zarry I guess this can be Zarry :)


“Come on Harry.” Niall pleaded. He was lying flat on the floor face down beside Harry’s bed, pleading the younger lad to come out from under his bed. The boys recently discovered that Harry’s not yet vaccinated for measles and chickenpox, and they saw it fit to get him vaccinated ASAP… but Harry was not pleased.

“I don’t wanna go to the doctors.” Harry whined.

“Please Harry?” Niall practically begged. “it’s not gonna be so bad!”

“You’re not the one who’s gonna be stabbed with a needle!” Harry half-yelled.

“Okay that’s exaggerating it just a little, buddy.” Niall chuckled. “It’s not gonna hurt that mu--.”

“It’s still gonna hurt!!” Harry cut Niall off.

“What are you doing Niall?” Niall sat up and found Zayn leaning on the doorway.

“Trying to get him out from under the bed.” Niall sighed. “I give up it’s your turn.” Niall had been trying for thirty minutes now, just so you know.

Zayn motioned for Niall to move out of the way and let him handle things.

“Harry bub?” Zayn said as he took a peek at Harry who had his hands covering his eyes, as if that was going to make them all disappear. “Why’re you hiding buddy?”

“Because you’re all mean and you’re gonna take me to the doctors to get shot!” Harry whimpered, spreading his fingers apart so he can look at Zayn through them.

“When have we ever done something that wasn’t for your good, Haz?” Zayn gently asked, and Harry just remained quiet. “It’s just so you won’t get really sick, you don’t want to get really sick, do you?”

“No…” Harry mumbled.

“We’re gonna be there with you the whole time.” Zayn assured him. “You can hold my hand if it makes you feel better.”

“Can I bring Max?” Harry shyly asked, referring to his stuffed dog.

“Yeah you can bring Max.” Zayn allowed; they were going to a private doctor anyway so they were sure nothing that’s going to go on during the appointment will leak out to the media. “And we can even get ice cream afterwards! How about that?” Zayn enthusiastically suggested.

“Chocolate ice cream?” Harry hopefully asked.

“Any flavor you want.” Zayn said with a small smile. “But you have to come out from under there, bud.” It took a couple more seconds but Harry finally crawled his way out from under his bed.

“Come on let’s get you dressed so we can get going.” Zayn smiled. He didn’t want to leave Harry alone in his room again and risk letting Harry crawl back under his bed.

Once Zayn got Harry dressed to go out he made sure Harry had Max before taking his free hand and leading him downstairs where the others were already waiting.

“Ready to go?” Liam asked, giving Harry a small smile.

“I guess.” Harry sadly mumbled.

“It won’t be so bad.” Zayn said in a soft tone. Harry just looked so vulnerable at the moment that Zayn couldn’t stop himself from picking Harry up. He kissed Harry’s cheek and held him close as he walked to their van and helped Harry in.

One Direction Age Play and Fluff (Harry Centrics)Where stories live. Discover now