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Before the story starts, I would just like to say if this crosses and CC's boundaries I will not hesitate to either delete it or fix it depending on how it affects the story. 

Additionally, it will not contain ANY sort of NSFW because I am not comfortable writing that, and Ranboo is uncomfortable with that! 

(random side note I'm watching Bojack Horseman right now)

y/n's pronouns are they/them and they are gender-neutral, if you don't want that then ~imagine~ it isn't like that. I won't give them an actual physical appearance in any way so imagine them to look like you!! 

I will not be using people's real names unless they are 100% comfortable with people on the internet calling them that. (for example, Tommy will go by Tommy/Tom instead of Tommyinnit, and Wilbur will *sometimes* go as Wil)

When I butt in with A/N they will be bolded- unless it's an entire part dedicated to an A/N. 

The only other thing I would like to add is please don't make sexual comments about ANYONE in the fic (or myself) because it makes me uncomfortable and that is weird in a fanfiction about someone who is uncomfy with sexual comments and that. 

That's all for now, thanks, enjoy the story!! <3

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