Ch. 1

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"kaRL!?" you yelled up the stairs at you're older brother.

You'd lived with the 23-year-old boy for 2 years, ever since you had broken up with your ex-girlfriend and needed an escape from your parents. You were only planning to stay for a month or two, but then 2 months turned into 4 months, 4 months turned into 8 months, and then it kind of just stuck.

You knew Karl was famous and aspired to be like him; a streamer. But so far you had a small fanbase and only Karl's close friends knew that he had a sibling, and only his closest knew they were a streamer too. You had agreed with Karl when he had started getting more viewers that you should be kept a secret from his fanbase because you wanted to grow by yourself, and because it scared you to be some huge internet sta-

"Y/N! I'm going live in a minute but we need another player for Jackbox since George canceled last second!"

Well so much for that shit.

You walked up and cracked open the door to his stream room.

"W h a t. Karl-"

"We technically don't need any more people since we have 5 people already- but it's more fun with 6 so if you want to...?" You nodded your head and shut the door.

"JUST GIVE ME A SECOND TO SET UP MY STREAM!" You walked across the hall to your stream room- much better decorated than Karl's, you had to give yourself that- and sat down at the desk. You were straight up bouncing from excitement. WHAT THE FUUUCKKKK.... you thought to yourself as you booted up the stream and then opened Karl's account and waited for him to start the stream. You watched as your meager (but highly appreciated) 347 followers slowly filter in, typing into chat with messages of absolute excitement because of your stream title.

You laugh, though they can't see it because you haven't face revealed and don't use facecam.

"Yes, chat. I am in fact playing Jackbox with my brother, Karl, and some of his friends."



why am i here



Chat sped up as even more viewers enter the stream and start putting stuff into the chat, and you watch as your viewer count jumps up to 400, then 450, then 600, then 1k.

You stared in absolute blank astonishment, mouth hanging open, and then snapped back to it as you realize Karl went live.

You checked Discord and see he's invited you to a Jackbox stream server and messaged you to join the VC. You decide to not look at the people in the VC and close your eyes as you click "join voice".

Everything was loud. VERY loud. At least 3 different loud voices came through the speakers and you immediately took off the headphones and yelled.

"JESUS FUCK YA'LL ARE LOUD!" You said, and everything went silent.

"AH. WHO THE FUCK IS THIS FOUL BEAST!?" You recognized the voice as Tommy's.

"LOOK WHO'S TALKING, TIMMYFUCKINGAIN'TIT!" (I'm sorry but that looks like it says something else at the end....)

Everything was silent for a moment.

And then all sorts of colorful laughter screeched through your headphones.

You glanced at the viewer count. 2.4k. Holy shit.


551 words


I feel like that's a pretty decent first chapter? Feedback? Sorry, the chapter is fairly short- I typically can't read long chapters easily myself, and that has me writing shorter chapters so that people with shorter attention spans or who like reading a bunch of shorter chapters at once rather than a few long chapters (like myself) don't feel inclined to stop reading for that reason.

I hope you liked it, you are so amazing :)

(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now