Ch. 7

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You shut off the lights to your room and left, shutting the door to block the regret of leaving like that.

"Karl?" You said as you walked into the living room. The TV was on with Steven's Universe. "Why didn't you tell me there is gonna be a meetup next week? Here?" He looked at you, his face immediately falling.

"How did you find out?"

"I heard you talking about it and then I asked Ranboo." You sat down on the couch next to him and focused on the TV. "It was kinda unfair to plan that without telling me considering I have only met Quackity and Sapnap and I don't want people seeing me, but... thanks, Karl." He smiled and brought you in for a hug.

"I'm sorry, I should've done better and consulted you. I'll do better next time." You nodded and hugged him back, burying your face in his purple hoodie.

"Also, Karl- where is everybody going to sleep? We have 4 bedrooms including mine and yours and then our offices and the living room, but Ranboo said that like, 15 people are coming."

"Actually more like 20 people are coming. And you can invite V if you want." (V/Venus is y/n's best friend, lesbian, nonbinary, all around EPIC, I forgot to include them in the story until now soooo pretend we've mentioned them before...)

"HOLY SHIT. Also, WHAT!? I need to call them RIGHT NOW." Karl laughed and handed you his phone. You searched for their contact and immediately hit the Facetime button. As soon as they picked up you screamed.


"YO, calm down homie, what happened?!" They were laughing, their face screwed up with their giant smile.

"There's a meetup. That's happening AT MY HOUSE-"

"Actually- it's my house." Karl butt in, his voice serious before he broke out into laughter.

"ANYWAYS- There's going to be a meetup! On my birthday. HERE."

"AYO wait, a meetup with who?"

"Like, a BUNCH of streamers!!"



"Ok there is no way I am not coming for that. I'm already packing. Oh my fucking GOD!"

"Wait, do you think you'd be able to stay at my house the entire time during the meetup, or would your parents make you stay at home and maybe visit?"

"Ah shit... they probably don't want me sleeping over when there's a bunch of stranger's at the house." They mutter to themself.

"But they aren't strangers! They're Karl's friends! And some of them are my friends, V!"

"Ok wait, lemme ask." They said, face still slightly crestfallen. "I'll get back to you when I get a hard yes or no."

"Alright, I love you V, BYEE!" (this is weird to write my irl nickname referring to a different person I gotta say)

You both hung up and you spun around.

"OH, YEA. Karl, where is everyone staying?" He grinned at you, happy to see that you were excited.

"Ok well, I was thinking Aimsey, Niki, Puffy, and Minx could bunk in your room with you-"

"Why only girls I don't know. Karl I don't know any of those girls, the only people I do know are the feral boys and sleepy bois." You interrupt.

"Ok, we can maybe rotate every so often or have less strict sleeping arrangements and whatnot. It doesn't really matter. ANYWAYS- moving on."

You listened on as Karl explained that Freddie (Badlinu), Bill (Billzo), Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo, would be taking your stream room, Karl, Quackity, Sapnap, Dream, and George would use Karl's room, Bad and Skeppy (and Rat) would take the smallest guest room, Mumza and Phil would take the other small guest room, and Techno and Wilbur would sleep on the couches or on the floor in the living room.

You nodded when he finished, and you both smiled.

"Thank you, Karl."


663 words



I have to pack an overnight bag for my cousin's house now, BYE

I didn't proofread so have fun correcting my mistakes -Bee

you are appreciated, even if it doesn't seem like people appreciate you, they do, and I do too! <3333333

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