Ch. 24

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His arms enveloped you as he turned you around, squeezing you tightly but with care; as if he was scared he would break you if he was too rough.

"Tighter." You muttered into the cloth of his t-shirt, and he obliged, tightening his hold on you and nuzzling you into his body.

"I love you." He murmured, his voice choked with tears. "I love you more than anything. More than the stars love the sky, Y/n. More than you could ever imagine."

You shook as tears ran down your face into his chest, his large palm placed evenly on your hip as he held you close.

"Just say my name. Please, Ranboo."

You heard it softly at first; the quiet jumble of letters that his voice knit together to make something worth living for, something that tugged at that knot inside of you, ever loosening the complications that came with life.

"Y/n. Y/n. My Y/n..."
You didn't know you'd fallen asleep until you woke slowly in his grasp.

Your voice was raspy when you spoke, blinking the blurriness that came with sleep out of your eyes and brushing your hair out of your face.

"Boo?" You ran a hand through his tangles of hair and kissed his nose as his eyes blinked slowly open.

He opened his arms, an invitation for you to curl up on his chest and go back to bed.

You wanted to more than anything.

"V is coming over soon, love." You said as you glanced at the clock.

"Ugh, well I'm going back to bed." He muttered as he rolled over.

"Rude motherfucker." You joked as you slapped his shoulder playfully and stumbled out of the bed, regaining balance after a moment of steadying yourself.

You reached out for the door handle, but it was yanked open from the otherside before you even touched the cool metal.

V stood in the doorway, dyed-green hair curly with humidity as they bustled in, voice going 100 miles an hour.

"V! SHHHHH... also WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING!?" You whisper-yelled, gesturing towards Ranboo's form under the blankets

They took a moment to 'AWWW' about Ranboo in your bed (with you clearly having just come from there), before continuing.

"Sorry sorry, I just somehow forgot you have a million streamers living in your house."

You hustled Venus out the door and then quickly followed, laughing loudly.

"How did you forget something like that?!" You cackled, punching them in the arm playfully.

Your laughter faded out as you walked together down the hall, bumping each other and bantering back and forth.
You were sitting in the kitchen with Bad, Techno, and V when Ranboo came down about 30 minutes later.

In his sleepy and delirious state he drifted over to you and hugged you from behind, his arms wrapping around your waist as he settled his head on your shoulder and placed a sleepy peck on your jaw.

Your blush was redder than the ripest tomato.

"One sec guys I need to talk to RANBOO." You said as you dragged his lethargic form away from everyone and down the hallway.

"What?" He said after a moment of you staring into his soul, his hair all mussed with sleep and an indent from your pillow evident on his rosy cheek.

"You are adorable." You said as you collapsed forward onto his chest, "And I wanted to kiss you when no one would see us."

You both grinned and he leaned down slowly to place a delicate kiss on your forehead.

"Ehhh... down a bit." You whispered as silent laughter shook your shoulders slightly.

He moved his lips carefully down to your nose, placing a soft peck to the bridge.

"Keep going."

His next kiss was met through a smile, lips grazing the tip of your nose gently.

"Keeeep going, lover boy."

Your heart was racing and your palms were sweating as he tilted his face ever so slightly farther down, gentle breaths like a soft wind against the soft peach fuzz above your lips.

He giggled slightly before placing a kiss upon your chin.

"Fuck you. Rot in hell you annoying peice of shi-"

You were silenced by the pressure of his lips suddenly gracing your own in a cacophony of appreciation and apprehension.

"Shiiiiiiiit... do that again." You said after you pulled apart.

He grinned loftily and obliged, pulling you tighter against him as your fingers danced with the soft strands of hair at the nape of his neck, the CoCoMelon theme playing through your head.

No, wait, my bad.

It was just actually music.

You both jerked apart after the sudden realization, blushing furiously before screaming.



You and Ranboo both yelled at the same time.

Quackity just stood there unfazed, the music still playing as he stared, dead faced at you both.

"Ok." He said, and then walked away, the music following him.

"What even- What the fuck-" You stuttered, squinting accusingly after Quackity.

"Oh my god, your brother is engaged to an iPad kid." Ranboo muttered, still slightly in shock.

"And a pyromaniac. Don't forget the pyromaniac."
875 words

ayo??!?! DID YOU LIKE IT????

i didn't proofread bc i'm sexy

sorry it's a short chapter but I wanted to eight and I wanted to get something out there, so here is this chaos.

Now, here is an update about debate club nobody asked for:

I received my schedule for the State tournament and it's... well... just look.


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Otherwise tho this should be a very fun trip :)

Still so stressed tho...

On friday we have a practice debate tournament where college debaters will watch us and give us tips for state, so I've been doing lots of studying and writing of speeches this week

Hope you have an amazing rest of ur week ur the besttt <3

(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now