Ch. 11

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The recording ended soon after when you all died, and you immediately went into a private VC with Phil. Several moments later Charlie and Wilbur joined. You also ended up adding V to the call, and you had to admit, their self-restraint was insane. (as in they didn't act like a huge fan or anything or act incredibly excited).

You took a deep breath.

"I need advice. About- ok, shit, it's about a boy."

"AWWW!" They all said in unison.

"That was scary-" You said, laughing.

"Ok wait, who is it?" Charlie said, smiling.

"You guys promise I can trust you."

"Of course, you can, Y/n." They all answered very seriously, looking at you on their screens.


You cringed and laughed quietly to yourself as they all let out exclamations of happiness.

"Y/n, I am so proud of you. It is so hard to tell people about stuff like that." V said, smiling from ear to ear.

"Me too, Y/n. You're amazing." Wilbur said, his crooked smile unmoving.

They exchanged more kind words with you, grinning and laughing as you talked about Ranboo.

"I don't know... he's so funny... and sweet and HE IS SO CUTE." You blushed and looked down, passing a hand through your hair.

"HE SHOWED YOU HIS FACE?!" They all said loudly, and you cackled.


"Y/n, I don't know much about this, but I think you kids really, really like each other," Phil said, a smile hinting in his voice.

"Ugh- I kinda think so too..." You muttered, grinning. "Guys...I am so nervous." You felt your smile fall suddenly and tears start to burn in your eyes.

"Oh shit- Hey, hey, hey. Y/n?" Everyone started speaking softly to you, their voices overlapping until you couldn't understand any of it.

"Hey, I'm coming over, Y/n." V said, immediately hanging up.

You stayed on the call with everyone, their voices soft as they tried to comfort you. After a few minutes, V came into your room and immediately ran to hug you. You hugged them back, crying into their shoulder as they rubbed circles into your back.

"I'm sorry..." You sob into their black sweater, tightening your grip.

"Oh, no, you're ok, Y/n. What are you nervous about? The meetup?" Charlie says, his voice oddly sympathizing.

"Yea... I'm so scared. What's going to happen? What if he sees what I actually look like and...changes his mind? What if he thinks I'm the ugliest person he has ever met? What then?"

Your voice was quiet, and it felt like hours before anyone spoke again.

"Y/n, I can assure you Ranboo isn't like that. He wouldn't change his mind, and he will not find you ugly." Wilbur spoke in an attempt to comfort you.

"I'm still terrified. I'm meeting him in 2 days. 2 fucking days." You start shaking, your eyes tightly shut. "I'm not ready..."


A/N: Time skip 1 day, less than 24 hours until the meetup


You woke in the morning, hair a mess, limbs heavy with sleep, and checked your phone. You saw 2 texts from Ranboo and opened them, grinning slightly.

Ranboo :)

Goodmorning Y/n <3

ft me when you wake up

You hit the facetime button and waited as it rang, brushing the sleep from your eyes. He picked up almost immediately, his mouth settled into a wide grin.

"Hi, Y/n." He says, his fluffy blonde hair falling into his face.

"'Morning, Boo." You said, voice groggy.

"Awww, did you just wake up!?" He laughed, smiling widely at you.

"Oh shut the fuck up, stupid." You said, laying back into your pillows and nuzzling into your blankets.

"You're so adorable." You heard him whisper, and you peeked at him.

"I heard that." You looked as he laughed to himself, his smile curling up the corners of his mouth.

"Well, it's true." You looked again and saw his smile had turned more wistful, his eyes squinting.


"Yes, Y/n?" he said, listening to your every word.

"What's going to happen? When you get here?" You look away from the camera.

He nods, his hair flying around his face.

"I think just... just act like ourselves." You close your eyes and grin.

"Ranboo what if- what if our normal is different in person than over the phone?"

"What do you mean?"

"Ranboo, I like you."


730 words


AYOO?????? Ya'll better be happy I struggled so hard writing this because I wasn't inspired. But, I am happy with this chapter all things considered.

Didn't proofread HA <33333

leave a vote???

Don't be a ghostreader, I absolutely love seeing people write funny comments and talking with one another in the things I write <33

I will be changing the title and cover soon because it no longer fits the storyline I had laid out, as I am indecisive and decided to change it. Give me title ideas????

You are amazing and so handsome/pretty/gay (whichever you prefer :D) <333

(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now