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"Let's do this." He said, holding you to him.

You nodded, kissing the end of his nose.

"Boo, I'm so scared." You muttered, laughing slightly and leaning onto his chest.

"Hey, it's ok. I'm scared too. If you don't want to anymore we don't have to."

You nod and start taking deep breaths, Ranboo stroking slow circles onto your back to help calm down your nerves.

"WHOOO. Ok. I'm ready- just, can I stay on your lap for it?"

He laughed and nodded, tilting your chin up to kiss you quickly.

"Of course you can. Just imagine the edits and fanart we can scroll through later." There was an obvious grin on his face, his eyes all squinty.

You laughed back, and then turned to the computer.

Chat was still racing by, some of the viewers had left already, which made you laugh at the fact they would miss it.

You reached over for the mouse and motioned quickly for Ranboo to stand up so his head was out of frame while you still sat in the chair.

He abided, kissing you lightly on the head as he "gently" (as he referred to it later) pushed you off of him so he could get up.

After you were both situated you looked to Ranboo. He nodded.

You clicked the button.


A new screen appeared on your streamlabs.

It was you. With Ranboo's tall stature t-posing behind you.

You stared at yourself in the camera for a moment, forcing yourself to not be frozen with fear, and smiled.

You hated your teeth.

But chat's comments racing by were all saying how pretty your smile was.

And so the smile on your face was genuine when you unmuted and began saying goodbye to the chat.

"Alright chat, I think that's going to be it for today, thank you all for coming."

You glanced at chat, laughing at their messages.



Bee what the fuck is happening

You looked up and Ranboo and then back to your computer, turning off the camera for a moment and muting.

As soon as he was sure the camera was off he leaned down from behind you and kissed you passionately, tucking your hair behind your ear and smiling.

"I'm so proud of you, Y/n." He said, his thumb drifting over your jawline, "And chat is right; You are so beautiful." You both grinned and stole one more quick kiss.

He leaned back up and you turned the camera on and unmuted.

"Sorry chat, I had to.... help... with... something." You cringed at your own excuse and laughed, covering your own blush with your hands.

Ranboo tapped you on your shoulder and you glanced up.

He wiggled his eyebrows at you.

You giggled as you stood up out of the chair, letting him take a seat before sitting on his lap.

You blinked the camera off so you could give him a quick kiss, and then turned it back on.

Both of your blushes were very obvious on camera, so you both laughed at the crazed shippers in the comments as they zoomed by.



just got here what did i miss??

Ranboo's arms snaked around your waist and he placed his head on your shoulder to make the shippers go even crazier, smiling.

"I think we just broke the internet." He whispered in your ear, making you laugh loudly.


You both dragged out the face reveals a bit more before Ranboo sent a quick text to the meetup group chat, telling them all to come in.

Slowly, so fucking slowly, they all filtered in (Dream is wearing his mask btw) chat absolutely losing their shit. You all bantered and laughed for a moment before ending the stream, collapsing into Ranboo's arms with happy tears. Everyone else had already left the room, so you both let yourselves give out and collapsed onto each other, a complete mess of emotions.

Holy Shit I Love You's and What The Fuck Just Happened's followed each other quickly as he picked you up and swung you around happily, tears streaming down your face before he hugged you tightly and kissed you.


Afterwards you both walked downstairs smiling, sitting down to eat the lunch Karl had ordered from a fast food place, laughing and chatting with each other about the stream.

740 words
sorry for the quick ending and kinda short chapter i've gotten tired and wanted to get something out tonight.

(no proofread)


You are fucking valid

(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now