Ch. 28

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"Well I was thinking we could.."

"What. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" He said intensely as he raised his eyebrows.

"Baking video...?"

"Yes. Absolutely yes. But can we wait for Tommy and Tubbo to get back and then we can do it with them?"

"Sure thing, baby." You said jokingly, wiggling your eyebrows at him before shuffling around the kitchen to finish making Ranboo's tea.

"Ooh I know what we could do until then!" He suddenly announced, turning to face you once more.

"Hm?" You muttered, somewhat preoccupied with adding a little bit of honey and a splash of milk to the tea.

"Ok, so i've barely spoken to Venus, and I kinda wanna meet them as i'm your boyfriend and all and I want to know your friends. Even if I am socially awkward!!" He laughed and stood up, his giganamorngus height towering over you quite considerably, before he placed a careful kiss onto the top of your head.

"Actually that's a really good idea. I haven't talked to them in a while except some quick over-text banter because we've been so busy with everyone here and all." He nodded as you spoke.

"Oki doki, so we have a plan? Invite Venus Flytrap over?" You too nodded as he spoke, before stopping abruptly at the strange name.

"Did you just nickname my bestfriend?"

"Yes. Yes I did." He crossed his arms and smiled smugly.

"Oh you are so done, Mr.Boo."

You abruptly started towards him, a demonic smile taking over your face as fear lanced through him and he ran shrieking from the room.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...." His screams faded as he ran through the house and out of sight.

"THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT BITCH." You yelled to him as you grabbed out your phone, shooting V a text to walk over sometime soonish.


In about 20 minutes V walked through the door, not bothering to knock, knowing they were welcome to come in anytime.

"Y/N!" They yelled, even though you were right there in the living room, as they "ran" to you and hugged you.

"HULLO, V." You said in an overly british accent.

"Oh good god Tommy's got to you." Ranboo and V both said simultaneously before bursting into laughter.

"WHAT THE FUCK. I THOUGHT YOU TWO WOULD GET ALONG I DIDNT EXPECT YOU TO BE THE SAME PERSON!!" You started laughing along with them, falling to the floor with a thump as tears were squeezed from the corners of your eyes.

Jesus christ this was going to be chaotic.
422 words
Hey everyone! sorry for the immense lack of updates as of late, but I wanted to get out this really short chapter before breaking some bad news. I think i'll be discontinuing this fanfic for the time being (possibly permanently) because i'm not liking it or having fun with it anymore and it's more of a burden now as I feel pressured to have regular updates and for my writing to be amazing (not pressure from the readers just my own anxiety).

In addition I also want to start writing a different story in the near future that isn't associated with any fandoms and is souly of my own creation. I also probably won't be posting this story to Wattpad (unless I get enough people who would read it haha). for anyone interested i'll give a quick tidbit about it: 3 roomates (2 of em are in love with eachother but are too scared to admit it), and then an apocalypse breaks out when this disease starts spreading and mutilating + killing hundreds of people lightning speed. They try to evacuate and almost die and it's basically just about them trying to survive in an abandoned town where everyone is dead as they are ravaged with sickness and starvation 👍 (also it's gae)

so yea, if you would at all be interested in reading that PLEASE LET ME KNOW because if I don't get enough people saying they want to i'm not uploading it to here.

again sorry for this bad news :(

ily all so much <3

(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now